Shout by Nikkie

Mixed thoughts about this one. I just hate, absolutely hate, despise with whole my heart, when a character cheats. It can be the most adorable sweet person but cheating just never sits right with me. Yes, he was going through a sexuality crisis but the moment he kissed Benji he should have come clean. Actually, before that, he def knew what he was doing when he lied that they had to stay in a hotel that night. I am happy they kissed though, because they are so sweet together. But anyways, what I adored about this episode is the ending. I love that he was like: fuck it, I'm gonna say it, "I'm gay". It was so powerful, especially because we only see his face, not anyone else's reaction. Just him and that sigh of relief he lets out because it is finally off of his chest. It's such a relatable and beautifully portrayed moment. Yes, it is terrifying to come out. You don't know how they'll react. But you've finally said it out loud. You don't have to pretend for that moment. It's a freeing and terrifying moment and it was captured perfectly.

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Shout by pretzelholic109

The 1st season of this show might just be my favorite tv season of all time. It’s funny, charming, still hits you emotionally at all the right moments, has incredible queer rep, has great themes, and endlessly endearing characters. The humor and the heart of this show really gets me every time. Seriously amazing. The character development is just so solid all around, and the show never resorts to doing anything overly dramatic to get there. Incredible, honestly. The writing isn’t necessarily super smart, but it knows exactly what it needs to do and accomplishes it with ease.

I don’t like all the cheating, but as far as stories with cheating go, I’m pretty sure it’s handled better here than in most other cases.

WE. LOVE. POSITIVE. REPRESENTATION. This might be one of the only mainstream teen shows I know that actually addresses concepts like internalized homophobia and intersectionality. Big love to this show and its writers. BIG love.

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How much drama can you pack into one episode? The answer is yes.
And the ending??? Glad I watched this now with S2 being already out because that's a bleak ending with lots of loose ends and while the show is very predictable and stuffed with (some unnecessary dramatic) and cliché moments, I would lie if I said I wasn't invested.

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Again, the best part of this episode was the closing shot and the end-credits song. Looking forward to season 2 though, I guess?

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Well, obviously now we're all looking forward to next season!

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wow i didn’t expect this show would make me feel so many things. it was funny and touching, it dealt with important and relatable topics, i feel like a lot of people could feel connected to this series.
and honestly, it’s not very hard to please me, so i can’t find any faults in this or anything to criticise the show for. i’m just gonna wait for the 2nd season hoping it’ll be as good as this one!

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I think we need a second season... the ending seemed to me like they would say COOL. The parents, the sister, Victor facing his new life, the story of Mia, Felixy Lake, Benji. I think I need to know how this one evolves, TURN, DOUBLE TURN and TRIPLE TURN as FELIX used to say.

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I like how they didn't do a tidy ending. It's more realistic. Can't wait to see a season 2 of Love, Victor

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I love how you make you feel that you are part of the community of Victor. The tensions he has to deal with and the search for himself in the big bad world. In the end, he puts up with his fear and dares to speak out for his feelings, just at a time when everything around him falls over. I hope there will be a second season, which hopefully will be better times for Victor.

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