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Lovecraft Country 2020

Monsters n humpin n killin n cussin ... momma wouldn't approve

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The first episode was ok, but the second and third... this is not Lovecraft.

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Absolutely loving everything about this show, though I have to say, it’s a little disheartening, yet not surprising, that it appears many reviewers are not understanding the true meaning behind the show’s title. Hopefully they’ll stick with the show and get the deeper meaning behind it’s perfect play on words.

I hope this show has a long, long life and continues to uncompromisingly retell some of the most defining moments in black history while maintaining its colorful use of sci-fi and horror to drive its stories along.

The writing and acting is just short of being simply pure perfection in my book. 9/10

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I’m 7 episodes in at the time of writing this and since episode 3 I’ve only had one thing on my mind to say to the writers of this show.... I want whatever you’re smoking.

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The worst series that i've ever seen! Awfull

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a must see. end of story!

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I didn’t know what to expect when I started watching this. Nothing much happens as the story goes along but somehow is engaging, maybe the simple story playing along, meeting the characters or just simply....good acting.... but by the end of the episode I was stuck to my sofa..... I need more!!!!!

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Aside from the out of place (and time) modern rap music, I enjoyed this first episode a lot.

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[HBO] The proposal to offer a historical vision on racism, mixed with a monsters fantasy that is quite childish, doesn't work well. Using racist elements to condemn racism and a certain macho vision (female characters always are around a male one), the story is messy and confusing. Only episodes that have some independence ("Meet me in Daegu") manage to stand out from idiotic musical anachronisms and poor FX.

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it was very good to watch the series, but I have to say that at times it seemed like they wanted to put more stories than there was time, the main thing for me was the second episode, it was confusing and super rushed because it was a lot of information at once , but overall it's a very good story, the monsters were super well done (there could have been a lot more of them)
ps: if you think racism against POC wasn't as bad as it was shown in the series, do your research and get out of your bubble.

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This was different, and I liked it. I avoided this at first. I recently got HBO Max to watch Synder's Justice League. After watching that, I seen this and said what the hell why not, y'know? I was thoroughly surprised by this "hybrid-genre" series. Although I wasn't interested in Lovecraftian lit, I was aware of it. (I lean more trekkie, than high fantasy). After the first episode I was pretty engrossed into the series. I thought the premise and how it weaves through major events in American history ala Forrest Gump pretty enthralling. The blending of real world events, science fiction, classic horror, social commentary, magic, religious undertones, some anime vibes (in the episode based in Korea) and yes time travel, puts this series in a class of its own. I really can't compare it to anything off the top of my head. As time passes I think people are really really going to like this season.

Good job HBO, I gotta go buy some AT&T stock.

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Thoroughly disappointing series. I gave it a chance and finished the entire first season.

Hamfisted, cliched, one dimensional and even offensive at times. The episode based solely in Korea was the highpoint of the series.

I'm quite surpised HBO greenlit this. HBO produced content has never let me down except for this one.

Hard pass.

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Unflinching depictions of racism, compelling and suspenseful writing and world building topped off with great acting and direction. Really one of the only shows on tv currently that is this unique and affecting. I really hope this gets renewed for season 2!

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This is a great show. Interesting and engaging. It seems like every episode hits a different genre. You're never quite sure what's going to happen next.

The performances were all very good I especially liked the Letitia "Letty" character. She was very strong and didn't let anything shake her as she accepted every new piece of crazyness that came her way each episode. All the female characters in this show are very strong and resilient.
It's definitely worth a watch.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Top notch show it has everything I could want. People are gonna hate for saying this but it was way better than Black Panther. No disrespect to the late Chadwick Bosemen.

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Boring. It had some nice moments here and there, but in the end I just felt like I wasted all my time watching it.

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If they had done the racism part in a different way, like in Them series or in Django Unchained then maybe I would give it more marks.

It has more racism than Lovecraft theme and that has done a lot of damage to the series.

The cast is fine, your photography is fine and the idea could have given more play.

Canceled but can be seen.

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All together (not so well together) is a very inconsistent show. Try to tell so much stories, much more than has space for it. So it looses gravitas and direction. Deus Ex Machina everywhere, and so needy to be affirmative in so many fronts that the story looses.

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Completely fearless, brave, unique and breathtakingly weird. By far the most original show to come out of 2020, Lovecraft Country is a trip that has to be experienced fully to be believed: I loved it! Its anthology-esque structure is refreshing with largely different storylines each episode with a core group of characters. It throws everything at the wall and most of it sticks, the genre-shifting is handled really well and you will almost certainly be surprised. For a great double-act, pair it with the equally insane Lovecraft horror fare Color out of Space.

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I thought it was brutal, I can say that I liked it a lot and even so I would be short of it, I want more! I'm looking for the book so I can read it.

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Great start, I really enjoy the pilot to the end. Did not feel sleepy for a second watching this. Most of the show I watch can really get flat and boring,most of which as meaning less episodes each season. Let's hope the intensity of this show continues. There was just one scene that I didn't like that didn't fit the time period ,however I will not touch that subject matter at this time. Thumbs up for the pilot.

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I like weird shows, I've enjoyed other Bad Robot shows where a bunch of wacky things happen, this one was too hard to follow for me though. It just seemed weird for the sake of weirdness, and I fully understand why it got cancelled because even six episodes in I couldn't figure out what the real draw was.

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The first two or three episodes were really good and after that, it gets really weird. I stopped watching at episode 5 where things were going out of control.

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Only the first episode is out thus far but I liked what I saw. Was pretty genius really to use 50s racism as a horror element. I found the sundown town scene tense as hell.

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Shout by Deleted

Every episode it´s getting better

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Very boring show that ramps up to 11 in the last 5 minutes. Judging from the other comments not falling for that trap is a good start

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Don’t waste your time. It’s basically if black people from racist America met magic.

It had so much potential but this is so lame

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This isn’t lovecraftian at all, don’t get your hopes up. This is more like if old racist America met with a magic cult.

However the actors are really what carry this show, it’s better as a character drama than it is as a lovecraftian horror show.

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I watched two episodes. Man... I was so pumped for this show. What a waste of talent, Jonathan Majors could well alone drag a show on his shoulders.

The story is confusing and unengaging, some weird real-world quotes used as a narration element (I only recognized James Baldwin)...
After an hour and a half into the story, I realized. I don't care about anything on the screen.

I guess it's supposed to be artsy and cool, but it just feels like a bad show.

P.S. Americans, can we stop with the racism already? They go into a restaurant and then white guys appear and chase them trying to shoot them in a broad daylight? I don't know the history but feels a bit unrealistic. At least the delivery.

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I can't believe it's cancelled...

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Just announced it was canceled.

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Shout by k p

I was going to give this movie 9/10 BUT the white guy getting shoe in the ahole made this a perfect 10 for me. LMAOL.

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The best horror we’ve had on TV in a long, long time.

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