Shout by Vero

Lucifer searching Dan with Azrael's blade was hilarious, like "Are you just happy to see me or is my brother's key in there", lol.

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Shout by itachi

"Definitely rethinking the lasagna I had for lunch"
"This is not what it looks like"
"What ? Minions day out?"

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Sorry, wussies don't get any.

And here I thought the Devil couldn't get burned.

It's been a very satisfying arc. Lucifer has grown the most but all of the main characters have shown development and that pleases me.

The idea that we still may see more of Tricia Helfer was a good surprise.

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Just when Lucifer was about to tell Chloe the truth, something of course happened. I doubt she will find out anytime soon now. Otherwise this was a pretty great episode.

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Shout by Deleted

amazing season finale, the cliffhanger was great.

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thanks God or well, thanks Amenadiel and Maze, Dr. Linda is still alive!

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Season two was definetely better than the first, a lot more character development. I am sad to see the Mommy Morningstar go, even though it doesn't mean the end of Charlotte/Tricia. Poor Dan.

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Great episode! Looking forward to season 3.

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Season finale, has been intense, closing issues and that end where to lead?

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Wow, just wow. This episode was unbelievable!

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