Shout by Jimmy
BlockedParent2020-08-21T09:47:38Z— updated 2021-01-21T12:51:50Z

You know when shows run out of ideas and they do the black and white 1900s episode with the same actors, yeah this is that....

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I for one really enjoyed this episode. I go apeshit for noir episodes in general and this was no exception. I loved it when Castle did it, when Fringe did it, when iZombie and Agents of SHIELD did it, and I thought Lucifer did a great job with it as well. It was so fun to see the cast take on different characters. Aimee Garcia as a mob boss was a particularly inspired idea, but they were all brilliant. I was once again blown away by Lesley-Ann Brandt's pipes. And in the end it's not like it wasn't connected to the main storyline, it did have a payoff in the form of Maze locating Lilith and I'm sure it'll have repecussions later on.

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I love this show and all but this filler. oof.

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Yes it is a filler, that doesn’t mean filler episodes can’t be entertaining.

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Quite possibly one of the worst episodes of Lucifer ever:thumbsdown:

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"There's a word to describe you, but i can't quite put my finger on it."
"It's like a shower, but French."

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Dunno why so many people dislike this episode. This is Lucifer at its best for me, when its not leaning on the (mostly stupid) overarching story too much.

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-02-18T23:18:27Z— updated 2022-04-17T22:59:17Z

I kow most of this episode was filler. I usually don't enjoy these kinds of episodes. But, I really liked it. I love usually noir movies/series set in the 40s and 50s and this was really fun for me. I personally enjoyed seeing the same actors playing different characters in the show. The ending was really interesting too, so I guess it was not all filler.

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I adore how they made this 40's thing look like something by Orson Welles... although, definitely, shorter shots. Just having watched the opening sequence of Touch of Evil a few days ago, then watching this, made my brain trigger haha.

This is just getting more and more delightful. The scene in the shop totally cracked me up.
"for high priest, ring bell" ... I need to get me one of those signs.
One free live chicken included in package... :joy: OR one pre-sacrificed heart hahaha!

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Awesome episode, I loved The Pink Panther music used at some points.
I love the theatrical way of acting that shows you the totally different way they can act.

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Best episode for me in season 5 so far, I liked the idea and the background music

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this was fun, 1930s and noir ;)

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Mixed feelings ! On one side it was interesting to make this kind of episode, however the story was boring and pointless. Even the Lily and Maze story was boring !

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After seeing 5th episode I HAVE TO tell everyone this is not a filler episode!!!! Pls don't be discouraged and watch it with the knowledge that it is not the episode you wanna skip.

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Good for the setting of the 40s, for the characterizations and for how Maze sings, they already ran out of ideas for the script, because the weakest of the season

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Add me to the pile of baffled-at-the-rating people. It's not the best episode, but it's not the filler episode I was dreading. For a while it seemed to be, but the ending wrapped up with some very key points that are likely going to drive the rest of this series.

The immortality ring is definitely going to end up on Chloe's finger by the end of the series so her and Lucifer can live forever together, isn't it?

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Jesus, this whole episode nearly put me to sleep. It was so utterly useless, I was very nearly on the brink of skipping it altogether. It was just so freaking boring and so obviously meant as filler

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Do I look like Mister Rogers?

Problems are like Bible salesmen, or genital warts.
If you pretend they're not there, sooner or later, they disappear.

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I dOn’t LiKe It, FiLlErS ePiSoDeS aRe So BoRiNg
Shut up and take a minute to appreciate Lesley-Ann Brandt’s beautiful voice and impeccable acting.

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Terrible. The worst episode of the whole series

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After watching this, my Maze's character hasn't changed (I mean, it's definitely moved forward to a solid, "first-down").... But, my appreciation of her actress, Lesley Ann Brandt, has increased several fold. She sings, and her phrasing connotes an emotional depth and understanding I would not have thought her capable of (I was wrong)!

And, the story told in this episode, all twisty and layered as it's narrative was, was very evocative and emotional.

YMMV, but...if your enjoyment was anything less than a seven point five, I would recommend you give yourself a few days and try again, create a space and mood where you can be calm, open and attentive (rewind if you miss anything) -- then report back: did you enjoy it more the second go round?

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Feels like a filler and at the end the plot is clear. Not my type of chicken.

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10 minutes in and this is my favourite episode thus far. LOL, I missed this show.

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What is it with TV shows and these film noir episodes? I watched the first twenty minutes then skipped to the end. Such a filler episode.

Trixie is so grown up!

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