Maharakshak Devi

All Episodes 2015

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f342a9ac440>
  • 2015-03-13T18:30:00Z
  • 50m
  • 21h 40m (26 episodes)
  • India
  • Action, Fantasy, Thriller
Devi is the story of the most powerful girl in the world who is unaware of her extraordinary powers. She has spent the first 17 years of her life away from human civilization. Devi's extraordinary journey starts when she becomes a part of human civilization and battles contemporary evils. Evils that are seemingly contemporary, but have taken multiple forms since generations. Evil (Asuras) have been present across centuries and exist in today's times in modern contemporary avatar. Devi is the force that will vanquish these asuras.Umang Jain will be seen portraying the role of 'Devi' and Rohit Bakshi will play the role of Devi's mentor. Indraneil Sengupta, who is making a comeback to television will be seen as 'Shukracharaya'.

26 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 1

Series Premiere

1x01 1

  • 2015-03-13T18:30:00Z50m

Mahrakshak Devi is a fantastic tale of a brave girl who is unaware of her supernatural powers. The story revolves around her encounter with the evil, Asur in order to save the world. In this curtain raising episode, we see Brihaspathi finding a baby girl floating in the river flowing in the direction of the river. He saves the little girl child and claims her to be the saviour that the world is waiting for. The child, now Gauri is seen being physically trained by Brihaspathi and her abilities are wonderful to witness. Later, Gauri asks Brihaspathi that he has not disclosed anything about whom should she fight against and she is eager to know it. Brihaspathi then reveals to Gauri that she has to fight Asurs. Hearing which Gauri gets Shocked. Will Gauri accept to fight the Asurs?


1x02 2

1x02 2

  • 2015-03-14T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri who faints before Jayanth's car is at his home. When Gauri finds Jayanth, she gets surprised as Jayanth's face was identical to Brihaspathi's. She immediately rushes to him, falls to his feet to recieve blessings.Jayanth who is surprised by her actions, tells her that he is not her Guru and it isn't necessary for her to do so. Tiger's mother welcomes Gauri to be a part of their family. Gauri who is unaware of city life, gets to learn it from Tiger and his friend Parjad. While on the other hand, Sukracharya who is in search of Gauri commands Bhasma, a rockstar to kidnap two hundered and one girls for him. How does Gauri gets aquainted with her new family?


1x03 3

1x03 3

  • 2015-03-20T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri is at rockstar Bhasma's rock concert where Bhasma throws his hand towards Guari. Gauri tries to get hold of Bhasma's hand but she starts feeling dizzy. She walks out of the auditorium and finds the police kidnapping girls and loading them into a van. Gauri commands the police to let the girls go but the reluctant police do not listen to Gauri. Gauri then, walks up to the police and beats them up. The police then show themselves as the members of 'Asur'. Seeing them, Guari faints; gets loaded in the truck by police and gets kidnapped. Hearing the news of Guari missing, Tiger's mother starts scolding him and questions about his responsibility. She speculates Gauri to have been kidnapped. Jayanth consoles Tiger's mother saying her that nothing would have happened to Gauri. Jayanth and Tiger then go to the police station and find that the kidnappers were dressed in the police attire and the police is not willing to show the CCTV footage as it might spoil the police force's image. What will Tiger and Jayanth do to save Gauri?


1x04 4

1x04 4

  • 2015-03-21T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri who was kidnapped by Bhasma's men are after her, Tiger, Prajad and Jayanth. Whilr evading the goons Jayanth makes his jeep to jump off the cliff. Surprisingly, all of them land safely on the steady ground. On asked about how was Gaur able to suggests the right answers, Gauri replies that she was asking it to his Guruji who usually helps her but unfortunately he wasn't here this time. Hearing Gauri speaking strange, Parijhad and Tiger start cracking jokes on her but Jayanth seems to understand Gauri and tells her that he must speak to her in private. What will Jayanth tell Gauri?


1x05 5

1x05 5

  • 2015-03-27T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri confronts Bhasma and the fight between them breaks out. Bhasma who tells Gauri that he is invincible and can only die if he wishes to. Gauri is stunned to hear what Bhasma had just said. A flame door behind Gauri is seen which leads its way to hell. Gauri overpowers Bhasma and throws him into the flame door causing Bhasma to finish himself. Shukracharya who was estimating Gauri's power to be just a minor one, understands that Gauri is a powerful and capable girl. Later, Jayanth meets Gauri and inquires about her family. Gauri reveals to Jayanth what had happened in her life and how she came into this world of humans. What will Shukracharya's next plan be to trap Gauri?


1x06 6

1x06 6

  • 2015-03-28T18:30:00Z50m


1x07 7

1x07 7

  • 2015-04-03T18:30:00Z50m


1x08 8

1x08 8

  • 2015-04-04T18:30:00Z50m


1x09 9

1x09 9

  • 2015-04-10T18:30:00Z50m

Mahesh is at Meena's home, where Meena serves him water and stands before him with the puja plate and a sweet. Seeing the Puja plate, Mahesh starts getting scared as he was possessed by Bhasma Asur. He then hits the puja plate which leads the holy colours of turmeric and sindoor to fall on him. This act leads Mahesh to show his true colours of being an Asur, before Meena. Meena gets scared and starts running from Mahesh. Mahesh chases Meena and finally catches hold of her and kills her. At the same time, Jayanth, Tiger and Gauri reach home and get shocked seeing Meena's condition. Will Gauri be able to find out the person who has killed Meena?


1x10 10

1x10 10

  • 2015-04-11T18:30:00Z50m


1x11 11

1x11 11

  • 2015-04-17T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri questions Mahesh as to how he was able to defeat the person whom she was not able to defeat. Mahesh deceives Gauri saying that he had come here to help her and God gave him the power to defeat the man. Bhasmasur gives Mahesh a Sindoor made out of the blood of Asurs. He tells Mahesh that once this Sindoor touches Gauri's forehead, she would always obey her husband. Mahesh then explains that his victory is just a step away. While on the other hand, Gauri is seen recalling what her Guru had told her asking her not to trust anybody and saying that this world is her battlefield where nobody can be trusted. Will Mahesh be able to apply the Sindoor to Gauri's forehead?


1x12 12

1x12 12

  • 2015-04-18T18:30:00Z50m

Mahesh reaches the temple where Gauri is, and starts searching for her. While he was still looking for Gauri, a girl meets him and asks him to marry her. Mahesh leaves the place and the girl follows him, urging him to marry her. While Mahesh is leaving the temple, Gauri notices him and follows him. The girl who followed Mahesh is then killed by him. Gauri who was looking for Mahesh, does not find him and thinks that it could be her imagination. She then returns to the temple and Mahesh follows her with the anointed Asur Sindoor . He confronts Gauri and takes her by surprise, he then tells Gauri that he is willing to marry her and is going to marry her right now. He picks a pinch of Sindoor to apply it to Gauri's forehead, but Gauri moves away. Mahesh even tries to throw the Sindoor towards her head but a Baba disguised as an eagle stops Mahesh from doing so. Mahesh kills the eagle and reveals to Gauri that he himself is Maheshasur. On the other hand, Jayanth is seen praying asking Brihaspathi to help Gauri in her tough time that she is facing. What will Gauri do now? Will Brihaspathi come to her aid?


1x13 13

1x13 13

  • 2015-04-24T18:30:00Z50m

A man with an unknown identity of the Asurs shows up before the priests, who are praying in the temple. He shocks everybody and makes multiple clones like himself. He hypnotizes the priests and asks them to pray to him as his kingdom is going to come on this earth soon. When Guari, Tiger and Jayanth reach the very same place, where the priest were praying, they find the temple being destroyed. They speculate that this could be done by the Asur, but are unable to figure out that which Asur is responsible for this destruction. Gauri then tells Jayanth and Tiger that they need to save the priests and just then they hear the sound of the priests chanting mantras. But to their surprise, they find the priests being possessed and praying to the Asur. How will Gauri be able to protect mankind from being devastated by this unknown Asur?


1x14 14

1x14 14

  • 2015-04-25T18:30:00Z50m


1x15 15

1x15 15

  • 2015-05-01T18:30:00Z50m

After defeating Raktbeej, another identity of the Asur confronts Gauri and wants a war from her. Few youths are seen in the forest camping and singing songs. A girl leaves the camp and sets out to a distant location. Following the girl, a boy too reaches the place. When the boy is just about to hug the girl, a supernatural force turns the girl to bones. The terrified boy, who witnessed this, runs for his life but is unable to escape from this supernatural evil power. Next day, Gauri, Tiger and Jayanth watch the news on the television and Gauri instantly tells that it is the work of an Asur. But she fails to recognize which Asur it could be. Will Gauri, Jayanth and Tiger be able to find the Asur and put an end to it?


1x16 16

1x16 16

  • 2015-05-02T18:30:00Z50m

A man is seen spending time with his son and when is called by his wife to have his breakfast, he is annoyed to find the same food that his wife frequently prepares. While he was having his breakfast, he is taken by surprise when a snake slithers out of his food. The man gets terrified when he sees his wife turning to a snake before his own eyes. The man tries to escape the situation and gets confronted by another huge snake which kills him and possesses him. What is this snake possessed man going to do? How will Gauri, Jayanth and Tiger protect the world from it?


1x17 17

1x17 17

  • 2015-05-08T18:30:00Z50m

Today in Maharakshak Devi, a girl is seen calling civilians up and makes them aware of any upcoming danger towards their life. Guari, Jayanth and Tiger decide to meet the girl (Anjali). They meet Anjali and ask her as to where she got her powers from. Anjali replies that the maid of the house had brought a gift wrapped up in shining paper. Unwrapping it revealed a box and opening box revealed a supernatural force that gave her the power to see the future. Will Gauri, Jayanth and Tiger find out the reason behind this supernatural force?


1x18 18

1x18 18

  • 2015-05-09T18:30:00Z50m

A new form of Asur is witnessed by the viewers. This Asur is in the form a huge dragon that is terrorizing the innocent civilians. Gauri, Jayanth and Tiger learn about this from a news channel that Shukracharya runs. Jayanth learns more about the Asur from an Asur encyclopedia. Later, when Shukrachrya raises question against the existence of God, Gauri loses her cool and decides to teach Shukracharya a lesson. What is the name of this huge Asur? Will Gauri be able to defeat the huge monster and Shukracharya?


1x19 19

1x19 19

  • 2015-05-15T18:30:00Z50m

After destroying Vritasur and the two pieces of Shukracharya's power modules, Gauri is all set to find the remaining pieces of Shukracharya's power modules. Shukracharya on the other hand, is seen talking to himself where he tells that, though Gauri has destroyed his two power modules but his ambition and courage is intact. Shukracharya then resurrects another Asur to fight Gauri. This Asur is an archer and seems to have a connection with Devi. Who is this new Asur? How will Gauri defeat him?


1x20 20

1x20 20

  • 2015-05-16T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri and Jayanth are at the library to search for the book that has one of the power modules of Shukracharya's strength. Suddenly, Gauri gets a vision where she sees the book that she and Jayanth need to find. Gauri and Jayanth decide to divide up and search the library. Unexpectedly, the people at library lose their vision and this surprises Gauri and Jayanth. They then understand that it is one of Asur's task. Will Gauri and Jayanth be able to find the Asur behind this evil task? Will they be able to find the book that they are searching for?


1x21 21

1x21 21

  • 2015-05-22T18:30:00Z50m

Shukracharya brings Mura to life and gives him a chance to participate in the battle against Devi. Tiger meets Shukracharya and asks him as to what is he wants him to do. Sukracharya then decides to plan something that would prove the loyalty of Tiger. While on the other hand, Gauri is confronted by a boy, who then turns out to be Lord Krishna. Gauri and Krishna find a building set up in flames and approach it to save the civilians. Gauri starts suspecting as to who could have set the building on fire. Is Mura behind the burning of the building?


1x22 22

1x22 22

  • 2015-05-23T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri witnesses a vision where she watches Sukhracharya commanding her and asking her to do what he wishes. On the other hand, Shukracharya continues to trap Tiger in his trap and Tiger's commitment to get his mother back keeps him loyal to Shukracharya. Gauri then draws the same chalice that she had witnessed in her vision. What does this chalice indicate?


1x23 23

1x23 23

  • 2015-05-29T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri witnesses another vision where she is under the control of Shukracharya. She is seen stranded at an abandoned location. Gauri wakes up screaming hearing which Jayanth attends her and asks her as to what the matter is. Gauri hides the matter from Jayanth, but he suspects that Gauri is hiding something from him. Elsewhere, Shukracharya resurrects another Asur named Narakasur. What is Narakasur going to do against Devi? How will Gauri overcome him?


1x24 24

1x24 24

  • 2015-05-30T18:30:00Z50m

After defeating Narakasur, Gauri is set to find Jayanth. She gets stranded in an abandoned and dark location. She starts hearing unpleasant and disturbing voices. Elsewhere, Gauri finds the chalice placed on a pedestal. She compares the reality with the vision that she had witnessed. Will Gauri be able to gather up the courage to fight Shukracharya all alone?


1x25 25

1x25 25

  • 2015-06-05T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri is at the abandoned location, where she finds the mirror that gives all the answers to her questions. She also finds some weapons through which she relives her memories. She watches herself in the mirror and tells that the only way to kill Shukracharya is through her. Just then, another reflection of Gauri tells her to accept her loss before Shukracharya. Will Gauri accept her loss?


1x26 26

1x26 26

  • 2015-06-06T18:30:00Z50m

Gauri and Shukracharya engage in a battle where Shukracharya overpowers her and throws a knife at her. The knife pierces into Gauri's chest and she faints. Lord Narayan, on the other hand, confronts Shukracharya and tells him that he can never win this war. Shukracharya starts tormenting Lord Narayan, when Jayanth shows up and puts Shukracharya in a shock. How did Jayanth return alive?
