They just brushed off the part where he molested his nephew.. wtf? It's very clear Netflix have an agenda, but making/framing Steven as a "good guy" because they don't think he did the murder is incredibly disrespectful to his sexual assault victims.

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Shout by Khawlah

Any human with a functioning brain could tell Brendan was coerced into giving that confession. Who knows what the fuck those disgusting people told him behind the scenes. Ugh. It's so heartbreaking what happened to him.

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Fucking hell, that interview with Brendan was hard to watch.

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I had a feeling, going into it, that watching this series was going to piss me off. I wasn't wrong. Any of the people involved in the Manitowoc/Calumet counties' legal system especially should be deeply ashamed of themselves and the way they handled their parts in any of this. Especially with this kid -- he is CLEARLY mentally deficient, and they flat-out exploited that. It turns my stomach to watch it. I can't claim to know how this turned out -- watching this series is how I'm to learn -- but I'm smart enough to know that this is now how you get justice. They went about this all kinds of wrong. But this just goes to show (as did the WM3) how unbelievably broken the U.S. criminal justice system really is.

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