For a series this short, it sure felt like one hell of a long journey to finish it. It had the potential, particularly considering it has Rowan at the helm, but it was all ruined by Trevor's unrealistic, utterly annoying, seriously dumbed down behaviour (far, far from the simplicity, naivety and ingenuity of Mr. Bean). Excellent (eerily indestructible) CGI bee, though.

I'd actually be OK with a second season of Trevor vs Bee, in prison. There was definitely lost potential, there.

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Looks like Cupcake's as indestructible/immortal as the bee. Good for him, I guess...

I was wondering why Trevor didn't put the bomb in the house but I guess it was more spectacular that way and he still got to destroy the rest of the house.

A few "twists" and a surprisingly acceptable ending.
I didn't care that Trevor got out of the prison though - it's not like it was unjustified (even when considering the insurance fraud).

To be continued?
Hopefully not...

Anyway, I was planning on rewatching Mr. Bean but I guess I shouldn't as I don't like that kind of comedy anymore (feels to silly/cheap/ridiculous now - I like highbrow humor much much more!).

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