I'm really struggling to
keep engaged at this point,
to much family drama for me
and not enough
Supernatural, Mysteries,
Aliens, future humans.
That mother who's still seeing
Danny is horrible and so
unlikeable along with that
brat daughter who thinks
Danny is her dad too....er
NO he isn't,
it's so disrespectful that
the mother encourages it
and I just find it all a bit creepy.
if this show doesn't pick up
through this season and soon
I will be Tapping-Out.
I just find it slow and boring
and I really hope that changes.
right now I'm not feeling
a hook to bring me back
for a second season.

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Young Olive is great i cant remember where i know her from but i want to see her in more stuff

No he’s not your dad too, you knew this man for 3 years. Give me a break. Stop being a spoil brat

I’m so tired of the constant unnecessary bickering between Mick and Ben god its exhausting with the bad and fourth bs

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Getting more Lost vibes by every passing episode…

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Very slow going so far on this show. I like the plot but there is something missing to keep me engaged..

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thats a creepy relationship the would be step dad has with Bens daughter Olive - he says hes also her dad - no he isnt

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Umm. Starting to get real boring guys.

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As someone said in a previous episode, PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE ALIENS! That would be a tremendous cliché. If the aliens theory is confirmed, then I'm out.

Also, how weird is it that most people on this show seem to not be happy about having their lost loved ones with them, again? It's even bizarre, I'd say. Seems like forced writing just to feed the drama.

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The flashback of those who flew on the plane is worth, but not abused, The flashback of those who did not travel on the plane, there are too many, do not interest me, remove them

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An obvious question, given that the final scene showed only Cal with Ben and Michaela, who were both conveniently asleep: did anyone else on the plane notice the bright light or were all of the other 188 passengers asleep with their window shades down, as well? How about the pilots and flight attendants? Hopefully at least some of them were awake!

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I feel like Cal is the mastermind behind everything. The chessboard signifies the present and future, and Cal playing it signifies he's in control of everything that happens. But surely it's all preparation for something much bigger.

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My patience is really wearing thin with this show. Too many characters, none of them especially likable, very slow to develop...

More questions than answers can be captivating, but c'mon guys you have to give us something! It's been five episodes and we know absolutely nothing than the we did at the conclusion of the first!

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