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Manifest: Season 4

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How is Drea showing so fast? Last episode she had no baby bump and this episode she has a big baby bump. How many months passed between last episode and this episode?

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So, Angelina convinced Autumn to put rat poison into her friends pills. Now she is going to maybe die, right there in Drea's apartment so close to the 828 passengers?

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They had sex "with no strings attached" but they did it without protection. Very logic, yes. And anyway, why this new drama now with 4 episodes left? After all the drama about Mick and Jared, are they going to make them break up now? Do the writers now that Jared can be the father AND be with Mick at the same time? Unless, despite it seems it happens in the 2020's, it actually happens in the 1960's, then it would make sense.

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Unnecessary drama. Are children writing this show?

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