Marty Stouffer's Wild America

    All Episodes 1982 - 1987

    • Returning Series
    • 1982-10-17T04:00:00Z
    • 42m
    • 1d 5h 58m (60 episodes)
    • Marty Stouffer
    • United States
    • English
    • Documentary
    Marty Stouffer's Wild America was the first wildlife and nature series to focus exclusivvely on the wild animals and wild lands of North America.

    60 episodes

    Series Premiere


    1x01 Watching Wildlife

    Series Premiere

    1x01 Watching Wildlife

    • 1982-10-17T04:00:00Z30m

    Everyone has seen wildlife at one time or another... a squirrel darting up a tree... a deer bounding across the road. These chance sightings are always a pleasant surprise. The graceful beauty of wild animals makes us feel good, it lifts our spirits and leaves us wanting to see them more. Sometimes it even seems like they enjoy looking back at us. Over my years of watching wildlife, people have often asked me how I get close enough to film them. Well, luck has sometimes played a big part. Being in the right place at the right time - not just blind luck. A few simple steps will greatly improve your chances. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment. It's understanding the animals that's important. With this understanding and a little patience - you'll be ready to begin "WATCHING WILDLIFE."


    1x02 Swamp Critters

    1x02 Swamp Critters

    • 1982-10-24T04:00:00Z30m

    I'm in this seafood market to make a point about our swamps. That may seem funny because many people love seafood, yet hate swamps. Much of the seafood we enjoy begins life in our marshes and swamps. The borderline area where land meets water is the richest nursery of life anywhere. Hundreds of different species and thousands of individuals can be found in one pool. Many ocean species - shrimp, crab, and fish, grow up there. But, the closest most of us ever get to the swamp is a seafood dinner. People avoid swamps, thinking of them as muddy, dark, forbidding, and stagnant. In reality, those murky waters are incredibly rich in nutrients, and they teem with life. They're home for a varied array of animals I like to call "SWAMP CRITTERS".


    1x03 Wild Dogs

    1x03 Wild Dogs

    • 1982-10-31T04:00:00Z30m

    The domestic Dog has won affection granted no other animal. Surprisingly, "our best friend" closely resembles its wild cousins -- the Wolf, Coyote and Fox -- the most misunderstood and feared family of animals in North America. Today, we are fascinated by the social behavior of the Wild Dogs and are beginning to appreciate their roles as "Top Dogs" in various natural ecosystems.


    1x04 Mountain Monarchs

    1x04 Mountain Monarchs

    • 1982-11-07T05:00:00Z30m

    Alpine animals are truly the kings of survival. In order to survive in a severe and unpredictable habitat, all have adapted in special ways. A revealing time-lapse shows the development of Golden Eagle chicks. Also presented are the four Wild Sheep -- the Dall, Stone, Mountain and Desert Bighorn -- as they fight their everyday battle to endure and perform their ancient rituals of courtship.


    1x05 Time of the Grizzly

    1x05 Time of the Grizzly

    • 1982-11-14T05:00:00Z30m

    The Grizzly Bear is funny and ferocious, a quivering coward and a daring hero, easily tamed yet forever wild. This disappearing giant is one of the most contradictory and complex of all our animal ideas. In this program, the entire spectrum of our attitudes toward the Grizzly are examined as well as the animal itself. Rare footage reveals the birth of tiny cubs during the female's winter denning.


    1x06 At the Crossroads

    1x06 At the Crossroads

    • 1982-11-21T05:00:00Z30m

    This exploration of wildlife's struggle for survival presents many Endangered Mammals, Birds and Fishes that have never been filmed before. Some are large and impressive -- others small and overlooked. Seen are interviews with four prominent biologists, each an expert on a particular Endangered Species. Without our concern, many of these rare animals will never be filmed again.


    1x07 Bighorn!

    1x07 Bighorn!

    • 1982-11-28T05:00:00Z30m

    A band of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep is observed through the seasons. When springtime splashes the mountain meadows with color, a lamb is born and an old ram, the band's leader, dies. And so the cycle of life is completed. Portrayed are the mating battles of the huge rams, the seasonal migrations of the herd, and the never-ending search for food in the high mountains.

    1x08 The Wolf and the Whitetail

    • 1982-12-05T05:00:00Z30m

    Witness the wondrous birth of tiny twin Deer fawns, and see wide-eyed Wolf pups emerge from their den. Both the Deer and the Wolf are followed through their age of innocence into maturity, when -- finally -- during a winter hunt, both the young Deer and the young Wolf assume their traditional adult roles as predator and prey. We see that each one is half of a beautiful natural whole.


    1x09 Living with Wildlife

    1x09 Living with Wildlife

    • 1982-12-12T05:00:00Z30m

    Over millions of years, man has evolved into the dominant species on Earth. Throughout all this time, we've had a relationship with wild animals. We've hunted and killed them, tracked and studied them. We've feared and worshiped them, even named ourselves after them, hoping to take on some of their powers. Although we depend a great deal on modern technology, we continue to depend on our wildlife heritage. Wild animals still play important roles in our everyday lives. For recreation, we admire their freedom. For economics, we harvest their bounty. For science, we explore their mysteries. Each living thing shows us the success of the past and the promise of the future. We are all, in one way or another, "LIVING WITH WILDLIFE".


    1x10 Wild Babies

    1x10 Wild Babies

    • 1982-12-19T05:00:00Z30m

    Childhood is the age of delight and discovery for wild animals. Lively baby Skunks, Flying Squirrels, Owls, Black Bears, Raccoons and other wild youngsters learn life-saving skills -- and have fun -- growing up in the wilderness. A nocturnal sequence shows the complete life cycle of a Toad, from embryo to "toadlet." Also seen is the playful springtime cavorting of Mountain Goat kids.

    Season Premiere


    2x01 Animal Oddities

    Season Premiere

    2x01 Animal Oddities

    • 1983-10-09T04:00:00Z30m

    The strangest features of some creatures are the very elements which have allowed them to survive. Claymation of prehistoric species shows the ways in which odd shapes evolved into forms we know today. The Musk Ox's circle dance and the Armadillo's shell game are explained. Also seen are the one-in-a-million white Moose, and the confused courtship of a prairie Grouse hybrid.


    2x02 Born to Run

    2x02 Born to Run

    • 1983-10-16T04:00:00Z30m

    The Pronghorn Antelope of these vast western prairies is, in fact, not an Antelope at all. Instead, it's the sole member of its own unique family and it's an original American it evolved right here on this continent. Most of the other mammals with hooves that now live in North America migrated here from Asia by way of a land bridge. By comparison, the Pronghorn originated here. Its ancestors lived here at least two million years ago. Other creatures of that era including its major large predators have long since vanished. The Pronghorn alone survived into the twentieth century. In this land of many predators and few hiding places it developed phenomenal speed. This fascinating creature, fastest in North America is with us today because it was "BORN TO RUN".


    2x03 Owls - Lords of Darkness

    2x03 Owls - Lords of Darkness

    • 1983-10-23T04:00:00Z30m

    As the rising sun first brightens America's wildlife habitat, the morning sun moves across our continent. It will warm the wide range of the family of owls. There are 18 different species here in North America and they range in size from the tiny elf owl no bigger than a bluebird to the rare, great gray owl with a wingspread of five feet. The sun makes its way over the southern swamps of the barred owl, the central woodlands of the great horned owl, the western prairies of the burrowing owl, and finally sets beyond the northern tundra home of the snowy owl. The gathering dusk casts its magical spell, and life begins to stir in the deepening twilight. Gliding on hushed wings, and striking with lightning speed are the supreme hunters of the night, the "OWLS LORDS OF DARKNESS".


    2x04 Hog Wild

    2x04 Hog Wild

    • 1983-10-30T04:00:00Z30m

    Many thousands of these intelligent creatures roam the woods from Georgia to California. Some, bristling Boars with huge tusks, were imported from Europe and released as formidable hunting adversaries. Others are escaped barnyard swine. Only one is native -- the Peccary of our southwestern deserts. This program explores the funny, bizarre, violent world of the Wild Hog.


    2x05 Antlered Kingdom

    2x05 Antlered Kingdom

    • 1983-11-06T05:00:00Z30m

    Antlers are the peculiar property of the deer family. No other creature in the world has this special kind of structure on its head. Worn by the males, and females of some species, the most amazing thing about antlers is they fall off. They shed them in winter every year and grow new ones in time for the next autumn mating season. That's an amazing amount of growth! Mother Nature has graced few of her children with as stately a symbol of beauty and strength as this antlered crown. It's only one of their adaptations. Since they first crossed the Bering Sea land bridge to arrive in America from Asia three million years ago, the deer family has been adapting to a wide variety of habitats from Alaska all the way down to Florida. That's why there are so many kinds of them. The family of Deer, Elk, Moose and Caribou have only a few members which are endangered. Instead, we find our most commonly sighted and some of our most popular large animals within this "ANTLERED KINGDOM".


    2x06 Wild Wings

    2x06 Wild Wings

    • 1983-11-13T05:00:00Z30m

    America's Birds come in all shapes and sizes, and they range from homely to breathtaking. But they share one thing in common -- the awesome power of flight. The airborne freedom which sets Birds apart from other creatures has been envied by man for centuries. All the diverse Bird types are seen -- powerful predators, melodious songbirds, and graceful water birds.


    2x07 Wild Cats

    2x07 Wild Cats

    • 1983-11-20T05:00:00Z30m

    We all know domestic cats. We've seen them savagely attack a ball of yarn, contentedly purr on our laps, and instinctively sharpen their claws, probably on our best furniture. Yet, we rarely have the opportunity to see their secretive wild cousins, the most elusive of all animals - and the most deadly. It's hard to believe that the mountain lion is a not-too-distant relative of this tiny kitten. But these sharp claws are common characteristics of all felines-useful for catching and killing prey, retractable when the cat needs to move quickly. And these eyes-narrowed to a slit in daylight-can open wide in darkness, allowing the cats to be effective nocturnal hunters. In form and function, wild cats gracefully reach the peak of predatory evolution. But in order to fully understand the reasons for these sophisticate adaptations, we must look deeper into the hidden world of America's "WILD CATS".

    2x08 The Man Who Loved Bears - Part 1

    • 1983-11-27T05:00:00Z30m

    Marty Stouffer is studying wildlife in a remote Colorado wilderness. One spring day, he comes across the tracks of a Grizzly Bear -- thought to be extinct in the state -- and he follows and meets face-to-face with a magnificent male Grizzly. Excited by his discovery, Marty adopts a female Grizzly cub from a zoo. He and Griz share a cabin as Marty teaches her how to survive.

    2x09 The Man Who Loved Bears - Part 2

    • 1983-12-04T05:00:00Z30m

    Over the summer, the adventurous cub encounters many other creatures, among them a hungry Cougar. As winter approaches, Marty digs a den for Griz, and while she sleeps, he goes off to observe wildlife which does not hibernate. In April, Griz emerges from her den, and must learn one last lesson -- to fear humans, even Marty. This separates man and bear forever.


    2x10 Backyard Wildlife

    2x10 Backyard Wildlife

    • 1983-12-11T05:00:00Z30m

    Some wild animals have not only survived our progress, but are actually thriving within numerous urban areas. Raccoons, Deer, Coyotes, Skunks, and a wide variety of Birds are adapting to a world shared increasingly with humans. Backyard wildlife is a never-ending joy for wildlife watchers. Also included in this program are tips for attracting creatures to your own backyard.

    Season Premiere


    3x01 All American Animals

    Season Premiere

    3x01 All American Animals

    • 1984-10-07T04:00:00Z30m

    We all think of ourselves of as Americans, but what does that really mean? I'm part Norwegian, part Scotch Irish, and part Greek. But I was born here, and I would never want to live anywhere else, so I'm proud to call myself 'an American.' This land first belonged to the Indians, though, and to the wild creatures that roamed its forests, waters, and skies. The sight of a Bald Eagle gives many of us a feeling of pride in the strength and freedom of our country. But what makes a wild animal 'an American?' Some have ancient claims to being original citizens. Others though we think of them as belonging here are not natives, they're imports, just like most of us. I'd like to show you some of the fascinating creatures that I think of as "ALL AMERICAN ANIMALS".


    3x02 Feathered Jewels

    3x02 Feathered Jewels

    • 1984-10-14T04:00:00Z28m

    The fifteen species of Hummingbirds that nest north of Mexico are exquisitely beautiful in their multi-colored iridescence. All are unique to the New World. European explorers were astounded by these tiny, glittering birds that zipped up and down, backwards and sideways, with wings humming and blurred. Here they are seen as never before, and we savor every last little wingbeat.


    3x03 Ringtailed Rascals

    3x03 Ringtailed Rascals

    • 1984-10-21T04:00:00Z30m

    Why is it that animals with unusual markings seem to hold special significance for us? We're fascinated by the Jaguar's spots, the Skunk's stripes, and the Raccoon's mask and Ringtailed. Maybe it's because these characteristic markings enable us to identify them easier and they even add an extra dimension to their personalities. Most of us recognize a Raccoon when we see one. And because of its strange markings most of us think of it as fun-loving, or even mischievous. But what about the Raccoon's relatives the nosy Coatimundi which looks like a stretched out version of a raccoon, and the graceful little Ringtail it looks like a cross between a squirrel and a fox. These creatures are all closely related, and all of them are known for their distinctive markings. But the question is, are they all "RINGTAILED RASCALS"?


    3x04 Canyon Creatures

    3x04 Canyon Creatures

    • 1984-10-28T04:00:00Z30m

    Here in canyon country. Solitary, silent, and seemingly empty, these vast spaces are like the bare skeleton of Earth's long histories. This area was once covered by an ocean, now it's high and dry. Time seems to stand still. But this land of stone and sand can hardly be called dead. Rain falls, rivers rise and cut their way through rocky depths. Wind blows, eroding colorful stone into beautiful shapes. Seasons come and go and some of Earth's hardiest and yet most fragile plants and animals remain to give the canyons a sparse, serene, and strangely seductive life of their own. Here, even more than most wild places, the mind and spirit feel free. Here there's no need to ask "What's it good for?" It's good for itself, and for all the living things that Nature has spent millions of years evolving into "CANYON CREATURES".


    3x05 Wolverine Country

    3x05 Wolverine Country

    • 1984-11-04T05:00:00Z30m

    I'm here in northwest Montana, not far from the Bob Marshall Wilderness area. These mountains are the home of a legendary creature, the Wolverine. It's been called a ravenous monster and a supernatural being. It's been nicknamed "skunk bear," because it smells like a skunk, looks like a bear, and has the short temper of both. The Eskimos called it "evil one," and the white fur trappers hated it. But, can one animal really be all that bad? We've never really had the chance to find out.


    3x06 Fascinating Fishes

    3x06 Fascinating Fishes

    • 1984-11-11T05:00:00Z30m

    A "Fish" is such a standard shape that we seldom think how ancient, yet how perfectly modern, is this superbly successful design. Here we see its most incredible variations, from the largest "living fossils" -- huge, prehistoric Alligator Gar -- to the smallest -- the dazzlingly colorful Darters. This underwater exploration leaves us marvelling at their adaptations.


    3x07 Wild Refuge

    3x07 Wild Refuge

    • 1984-11-18T05:00:00Z30m

    From the first - and smallest - Refuge, created on Florida's 3-acre Pelican Island in 1902, to the 8,900,000 acres of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, our Refuge system is unmatched by any in the world. In areas from Maine to Arizona, millions of pristine acres have been set aside for native wildlife. We explore these Refuges, as well as many of the creatures that inhabit them.

    3x08 Fishers in the Family - Part 1

    • 1984-11-25T05:00:00Z30m

    The slender, luxuriously-furred Fisher is misnamed -- it does not catch fish. Cat-sized members of the Weasel family, Fishers are rare, energetic and playful -- but out of place in anyone's home. This fun-loving story shows how an orphaned pair of these frisky predators were rescued by Marty Stouffer and adopted by his family. They grow up with Marty and Diane's daughter Hannah.

    3x09 Fishers in the Family - Part 2

    • 1984-12-02T05:00:00Z30m

    The growing Fishers need to learn how to survive on their own before they can be released into the forest. Marty takes them on regular trips into the mountains that will some day be their home -- each time they go deeper into the wilderness. But the curious Fishers would rather explore and meet new wild friends -- like a Black Bear, Skunk and Mule Deer -- than continue their education.


    3x10 Photographing Wildlife

    3x10 Photographing Wildlife

    • 1984-12-09T05:00:00Z30m

    Even as a kid growing up in rural Arkansas, I was interested in photography. To me it was some sort of magic. Our parents encouraged us to take turns with the family equipment, but I have to admit that back then it was nothing very special. I started taking still photos for the family album with this old Brownie box camera. Next came home movies in 8 mm, in the backyard, and then in the nearby woods. Before I knew it, I was spending the summer in Alaska, and making a documentary about the wildlife. But some of my fondest memories are of the old days, when I was just starting out. So, why don't you come along? I'd like to show you some of the scenes that I've been lucky enough to capture on film, and I'd also like to share with you some of my secrets for "PHOTOGRAPHING WILDLIFE".

    Season Premiere


    4x01 North Woods Lynx

    Season Premiere

    4x01 North Woods Lynx

    • 1985-10-06T04:00:00Z30m

    Elegant and graceful, the Lynx is one of Nature's finest physical specimens. Its primary quarry is the elusive Snowshoe Hare. It is seen that the numbers of predator and prey -- Lynx and Snowshoe Hare -- are intricately linked in a ten-year cycle that rises and falls in unison. This fascinating, unexplained phenomenon is only one of many mysteries in the Great North Woods.

    4x02 Wookpeckers - Nature's Hammerheads

    • 1985-10-13T04:00:00Z30m

    Have you ever walked in the woods and seen a hole high up in a tree? Chances are that even though a small mammal or another bird lives in it now, a woodpecker originally drilled it. The ancients believed these birds were gods that could bring forth rain by tapping their bills. Today, we know they can't perform miracles and when we do think of woodpeckers, the cartoon character Woody immediately comes to mind. But, age old deity or modern comic, one thing is clear, these birds know how to use their heads. Their skulls are toughened to withstand the shock of constant, forceful pounding as they whack away at wood in search for a meal or a home. Their family also includes Flickers and Sapsuckers, and totals between 23 and 45 species and sub-species, depending on who you talk to. All are adapted to a life on tree trunks and in branches. So come with me now and let's take a look at the fascinating lives of the "WOODPECKERS-NATURE'S HAMMERHEADS".


    4x03 Designs for Defense

    4x03 Designs for Defense

    • 1985-10-20T04:00:00Z30m

    Wild animals have evolved a wide range of survival tactics. They must eat, and they must keep from being eaten. For predators, speed or stealth is essential, and it helps to have special equipment-sharp fangs or talons-to catch and hold prey. But nature is not all tooth and claw. Many animals have survived by being slow and steady-and by having some unique feature that protects them from enemies. Porcupines may not seem very fast or alert-but they don't need to be. For countless generations they have gone about their business secure in the instinctive knowledge that few creatures will threaten them - and those not for long. Many others have also developed strange-and remarkably successful strategies for dealing with predators. Such methods don't help the animal to gather food - but they do keep it from being fed upon. Let's take a closer look at these "DESIGNS FOR DEFENSE".

    4x04 Cutthroat - Yellowstone Lake

    • 1985-10-27T04:00:00Z30m

    Yellowstone Lake has a vast underwater wilderness never seen by the two million annual visitors to this National Park. It is also the realm of a creature that forms the cornerstone of an entire aquatic ecosystem -- the brilliant Cutthroat Trout. A summer-long exploration by Marty Stouffer and crew begins in the remote Thorofare Region, our wildest land south of Alaska.

    4x05 Cutthroat - Yellowstone River

    • 1985-11-03T05:00:00Z30m

    Dive into the underwater spawning ritual of Trout and related species. The crew's exploration takes them deeper into the northern wilderness along the magnificent Yellowstone River. At LeHardy Rapids, Marty catches slippery Cutthroat to study them face-to-face, then dives into the turbulence to hand-feed a large school of Trout with Salmonfly larvae. Back on the surface, we examine the reproductive cycle and all the other primary predators of the Salmonfly.


    4x06 Cutthroat - Grizzly Creek

    4x06 Cutthroat - Grizzly Creek

    • 1985-11-10T05:00:00Z30m

    The last part of our search for the Cutthroat Trout took us to the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. Now, we follow the trout on a danger filled journey to their spawning areas, as they run the raging rapids of Yellowstone River.


    4x07 Killer Mice

    4x07 Killer Mice

    • 1985-11-17T05:00:00Z30m

    Through the night, a ravenous predator stalks its unwary prey. With a swift bite to the skull, it slays the victim, then throws back its head and howls. But this beast that hunts like a Weasel and howls like a Wolf is neither -- it's the five-inch Grasshopper Mouse of our western deserts and plains. It feasts on Tarantulas, Scorpions, and even other Rodents -- yet displays close family ties.


    4x08 Controversial Coyote

    4x08 Controversial Coyote

    • 1985-11-24T05:00:00Z30m

    It's easy to imagine the untamed wildness of the good old days as you listen to a lone Coyote sing its ancient song. To some of us, this mournful cry kindles delight and inspiration, to others dread and hatred. In Indian mythology, the coyote was revered for its cleverness and mystical song. Yet our modern society condemns the Coyote for its predatory instinct to kill. Regardless of our mixed emotions, this wild canine has proven itself to be one of the most intelligent and successful of all animals on earth. With efficient hunting skills and opportunistic diet, strong social bonds and an incredible capacity to learn, the coyote can quickly change habits and habitats. Even in the face of adversity, this animal thrives, the "CONTROVERSIAL COYOTE".


    4x09 Remarkable Reptiles

    4x09 Remarkable Reptiles

    • 1985-12-01T05:00:00Z30m

    Many species of Reptiles reside in the USA, their lives, their habitats, and what makes them remarkable are compared to other animals.


    4x10 Tracking Wildlife

    4x10 Tracking Wildlife

    • 1985-12-08T05:00:00Z30m

    Catching a glimpse of a wild creature is always a thrill, but it's not always easy. For one thing, many of them are active during the night or early morning hours when most humans are asleep and for another, all wildlife is going to do its best to avoid man. But every animal, from mouse to moose, leaves behind signs of its passing. Often these traces tell a more complete and fascinating story than if all we see is a quick glimpse of the creature itself. It's like learning to read a strange kind of newspaper. In any season, and in almost any kind of terrain, clues can be found to the wildlife that inhabits an area. The more closely you look, the more you'll be able to tell what they've been up to. It doesn't take any special equipment, just a little patience, so let's go "TRACKING WILDLIFE".

    Season Premiere


    5x01 Pennsylvania Whitetail

    Season Premiere

    5x01 Pennsylvania Whitetail

    • 1986-10-05T04:00:00Z30m

    The White-tailed Deer is our most familiar large Mammal -- and our number one big-game animal. In states like Pennsylvania, its popularity makes it one of the most controversial creatures. The abundance of Whitetail here proves that certain wildlife can thrive in man's world. In following this lovely Deer, we learn how it now epitomizes the history of game management.


    5x02 Woodies and Hoodies

    5x02 Woodies and Hoodies

    • 1986-10-12T04:00:00Z30m

    We sometimes think of ducks as clumsy barnyard birds that waddle around quacking like cartoon characters. A duck on land is awkward, but in the water it's totally at home, swimming as smoothly as a sailboat, or diving like a submarine. And in the air, wild ducks winging across a sunset sky is one of Nature's prettiest sights. Two of the world's most beautiful ducks happen to be American natives; the exquisitely-colored Wood Duck, or "Woody," which feeds primarily on plant life near the surface, and the elegant Hooded Merganser, or "Hoody," which feeds mainly by diving for fish. These two ducks are quite different in their feeding habits. But both prefer to nest in hollow trees or man-made nest boxes, which brings them into competition. Females sometimes even lay eggs in each other's nests. This behavior can lead to amusing mix-ups for "WOODIES AND HOODIES".


    5x03 King of Snakes

    5x03 King of Snakes

    • 1986-10-19T04:00:00Z30m

    In a confrontation with a Rattlesnake, this snake will win. Unharmed because it is immune to the venom, it swallows its victim whole. This amazing serpent is the Kingsnake. Reigning monarch among Reptiles, it is a world-class beauty, with a medley of patterns and colors. We see combat, mating, egg-hatching and feeding behavior in several kinds of Kingsnakes.


    5x04 Family Feud

    5x04 Family Feud

    • 1986-10-26T04:00:00Z30m

    Is there a peaceable kingdom? Not really. Wild animals have "sibling rivalries" just like humans. Ironically, related species compete more frequently, and more intensely, than do non-related species. These family conflicts can be fatal when it comes to the crucial concerns of food, territory, or affection... and it's not always the larger or more powerful "cousin" which wins the competition!


    5x05 River of Bears

    5x05 River of Bears

    • 1986-11-02T05:00:00Z30m

    Each summer, as Salmon make their spawning run, a gathering of the largest carnivores in North America also takes place. Up to a hundred huge Brown Bears line up along the McNeil River in Alaska. Each Bear stakes out and defends its fishing territory. The cast of characters includes sows with playful cubs, battle-scarred boars, and juveniles, with comical fishing styles.


    5x06 Wild Texas

    5x06 Wild Texas

    • 1986-11-09T05:00:00Z30m

    Texas is big! It's also wild and incredibly varied. In this state, there are at least six dramatically different life zones -- desert mountains, flat grasslands, hill and brush country, piney woods and swamplands. For viewers accustomed to seeing the Lone Star State as a land of livestock and oil wells, this look at little-known wild areas promises many surprises.


    5x07 A Prairie Park

    5x07 A Prairie Park

    • 1986-11-16T05:00:00Z30m

    Two hundred years ago, unbroken prairie stretched over 1000 miles of America's heartland. Today, little remains of that vast expanse, where not only Deer and Antelope, but also Elk, Bison, Bears and Wolves, once roamed. Can we afford to protect a portion of our remaining National Grassland heritage, or must all of our birthright disappear under the plows of progress?

    5x08 The Grouse and the Goshawk

    • 1986-11-23T05:00:00Z30m

    Most predators and prey have evolved in unison. They are so closely matched that every day is an "Animal Olympics." Intimately linked together are two birds -- the speedy Goshawk and the alert Ruffed Grouse. Many predators pursue the Grouse, but none is so well-adapted to catch it as the Goshawk. This is the story of an unerringly precise natural balance.


    5x09 Otters of the Adirondacks

    5x09 Otters of the Adirondacks

    • 1986-11-30T05:00:00Z30m

    If I were a wild animal, I'd be a River Otter. Now, some of you would probably be a Grizzly Bear, big and powerful. Or a Bald Eagle, beautiful and free. But as far as I'm concerned, a River Otter is the one animal that really knows how to live. This fun loving member of the weasel family finds a good time wherever it goes. It plays every chance it gets, it makes a game out of practically everything it does. It's a streamlined swimmer with a passion for downhill sliding, and it will climb up and slide down a river bank for hours on end. But the Otter has a serious side, too. It's a skilled hunter and a faithful parent. Both mother and father share in raising the young. So let's take a look at my favorite animal. We follow a family as their young grow up in these wild mountains of upstate New York, for this animal portrait "OTTERS OF THE ADIRONDACKS".


    5x10 Growing Up Wild

    5x10 Growing Up Wild

    • 1986-12-07T05:00:00Z30m

    Family camping trips take on added interest now that Marty and Diane Stouffer's daughter Hannah is old enough to keep up with them. There's fun to be had and lessons to be learned as they share with Hannah the secrets of the wild creatures and wild places they love. We see that a child's enormous capacity to learn from Nature is one of our most precious inborn gifts.

    Season Premiere


    6x01 Swamp Bear - Part 1

    Season Premiere

    6x01 Swamp Bear - Part 1

    • 1987-10-04T04:00:00Z30m

    In the eerie backwater bayous of southern Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin, Marty Stouffer poles a traditional pirogue to track the South's largest animal, a honey-loving legend. Clues lead to a Bobcat, Alligator, Snapping Turtle, and other animals which share this mysterious realm with an elusive phantom -- the Black Bear. Though large, it is now rare in these hardwood bottomlands.


    6x02 Swamp Bear - Part 2

    6x02 Swamp Bear - Part 2

    • 1987-10-11T04:00:00Z30m

    Continuing to search the wild heart of bayou country, Marty finds and follows more clues, meeting creatures both friendly and deadly, before locating the Bear's feeding ground: a pool of Catfish, a surprisingly tricky meal. When an aggressive Alligator moves in during the night, the two legends compete and clash to reveal which will be king of the Catfish pool and the swamp.


    6x03 Beautiful Blues

    6x03 Beautiful Blues

    • 1987-10-18T04:00:00Z30m

    This episode concentrates on the color blue in nature. It shows many plants and animals that are blue in color or has blue on them; everything from blue lobsters and crabs, to blue flowers, to blue birds, etc, etc. It demonstrates the uniqueness of these particular living things in the USA.

    6x04 Timberdoodles of Moosehorn

    • 1987-10-25T04:00:00Z30m

    "Timberdoodle, Bogsucker, Twister" -- the Woodcock and its nicknames are equally unusual. It flies as slowly as 5 mph, or becomes a blur of speed as it spirals hundreds of feet into the air in a spectacular springtime courtship display. Its life story, from downy young to fall migration, is filmed at Moosehorn Wildlife Refuge in Maine. Moles and Moose also play a part in the story.


    6x05 Minnesota Mink

    6x05 Minnesota Mink

    • 1987-11-01T05:00:00Z30m

    It's most widely known as a status symbol when its skin is fashioned into luxury garments. But there's much more to a Mink than a fur coat. It's a fascinating member of the Weasel Family -- as graceful in water as an Otter, as feisty on land as a Wolverine, and as pungent under stress as a Skunk. We follow a mother Mink as she hunts, mates and rears a family near lovely Lake Superior.


    6x06 Season of the Seals

    6x06 Season of the Seals

    • 1987-11-08T05:00:00Z30m

    The Pacific Coast's various species of Seals and Sea Lions spend most of their lives roaming the ocean, coming ashore only to give birth and to breed. To best utilize their time gathered on land, both events occur together. January to July is the season when enormous Elephant Seals clash in battle, graceful California Sea Lions frolic, and baby Harbor Seals learn to dare the waves.


    6x07 Wild Turkey - Part 1

    6x07 Wild Turkey - Part 1

    • 1987-11-15T05:00:00Z30m

    By viewer request, we look at a Bird whose story is woven into our culture. Yet this creature, the Pilgrim's choice for the first Thanksgiving meal, soon became a rarity. Our largest gamebird, with its flamboyant courtship, is a strong flier that prefers to run. We meet the shy Gobblers of our eastern woodlands and their lanky western kin -- forebearers of all domestically raised stock.


    6x08 Wild Turkey - Part 2

    6x08 Wild Turkey - Part 2

    • 1987-11-22T05:00:00Z30m

    This species is one of game management's greatest success stories. Our traditional symbol of Nature's abundance was once feared to be gone as a gamebird due to overhunting by humans and a loss of their habitat. But today, the Wild Turkey is one of game management's greatest success stories. The many who worked so hard for this comeback were perhaps too successful, for some states now worry about having an over-abundance of these birds.


    6x09 Snakedance

    6x09 Snakedance

    • 1987-11-29T05:00:00Z30m

    While investigating life in an Oklahoma cave, Marty Stouffer discovers a pair of male Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes engaged in an extraordinary "combat dance". Sinuous bodies swaying upright, the intertwined serpents clench and strain as they try to wrestle each other to the ground. All stages of this hypnotizing Reptilian phenomenon are seen for the first time.


    6x10 Managing Wildlife

    6x10 Managing Wildlife

    • 1987-12-06T05:00:00Z30m

    Managing wildlife most often means managing humans -- the primary predator in virtually all our ecosystems. Through this complex, but vital, process, we constantly try to balance our own conflicting interests with those of our native wild creatures. This thought-provoking program examines some of the most innovative and controversial plans currently operating across the country.
