Mostly going off the fan wiki and interviews - still debating whether (and if so, when) to fit in things like the Deadpool movie.
If it's running more or less parallel (this primarily applies to Netflix series) I tend to fit it in before the corresponding Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes, not least because I generally prefer the Netflix output to AoS.

Last updated June 2021.
As for Loki, it does split off into an alternative timeline post Avengers, but I'm adding it just after Endgame (for now) to account for possible timey-wimey shenanigans.


Marvel Cinematic Universe in Correct viewing order.


Filmes + One Shots
- Armor Wars
- Hawkeye
- Iron Heart
- Loki
- Marvel´s Agent Carter
- Marvel´s Agents of Shield
- Marvel´s Daredevil
- Marvel´s Jessica Jones
- Marvel´s Cloak and Dagger
- Marvel´s Luke Cage
- Marvel´s Iron Fist
- Marvel´s Defenders
- Marvel´s The Punisher
- Marvel´s Inhumans
- Marvel´s Runaways
- Moonlight
- Ms. Marvel
- Secret Invasion
- She-Hulk
- The Daily Bugle
- The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
- WandVision
- What If?
- WHIH NewsFront


The list I was following got deleted, so I decided to make a new one based off this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xfe--9Wshbb3ru0JplA2PnEwN7mVawazKmhWJjr_wKs/edit#gid=890229890


Marvel movies and TV shows in chronological order.


contains all the films, tv episodes and one-shots.

source: http://reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/2tz0a5/updatedmcutimelinestillin_progress/


source http://marvelcinematicuniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline#WikiaArticleComments


Películas, one-shots y series del universo Marvel en el orden que deberían ser vistas


A list of all the films in the "Marvel library". Starts at Blade and translates to the current MCU. The FOX/Sony owned X-Men, Spider-Man, and Fantastic Four are added by release date to tie in the MCU timeframe. I also added the animated TV series from my childhood.


All Marvel movies and series in perfect order.


The Fabric of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ordered by its events not Release Date


This list includes everything in the MCU by Marvel Studios in the probably best watching order - based on original release dates (e.g. Daredevil was written to be released after Age of Ultron), knowledge which otherwise gets lost in the shuffle (e.g. to understand a certain part of the ending of "Captain America: The First Avenger" you need to have watched "Thor" first. Also, a certain method is mentioned in 2x03 of SHIELD, which has its origin in the later shown first Agent Carter season, etc.) and timeline (when it comes to Netflix shows, as their placement based solely on release dates makes things iffy),

The list does not include movies where the movie rights are somewhere else, like the older Spiderman movies, X-Men (and its spinoffs like Deadpool) or the Fantanstic Four. They are not part of the MCU.


This is the chronological timeline of the marvel cinematic universe. For more detailed information visit: http://marvelcinematicuniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline
