Shout by Rosie

That fight scene between Bobbi and Ward?!?!?!!! Bruh

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Roided-out Cal is suuuuuuuuuuuuuper dumb looking.
For someone who was willing to believe their mom at first, Skye certainly connected the "you murdered Raina so clearly you murdered Gonzalez" dots quite fast. Seems like a bit of a leap, seeing as Skye never trusted Raina anyways.

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I never found Skye’s dad scary or intimidating, even with his “powers”, he reminded me of Scrappy Doo

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Shout by SqueakyNarwhal

Wow, the fact that Jiayang actually drains the life out of others in order to heal herself makes the story of that entire town dying much, much darker. Cal pieced her together again and she drained the life out of all of the townspeople in order to rejuvenate herself. Also, what a great redemption for Raina. "The thorn protecting the daisy". She knew Jiayang was going to kill her, but she let herself die so that Skye could see the truth.

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Kyle MacLachlan's performance saved this entire season for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Supongo que no son tan inofensivos como dices.

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Season finale. Double chapter with lots of action shots, deads, fighs and new beginings

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