As much as I'm excited about Agents of Hydra, I can't wait for this Framework-nightmare to be over. And so everything can be back to "normal". These episodes really stress me out.

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Shout by TessavWalstijn

I think agents of Hydra episodes are the best from the swole show.

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So Coulson was all 'Hail Hydra', but in reality he's a conspiracy nut ? Then why was he so compliant, not helping kids, denouncing Jemma ? Does he think he's under surveillance ? I hope the soap conspiracy is true.

Mace is still SHIELD's leader. Interesting that AIDA still let that exists. Maybe there he really is an inhuman ?

The trap in the interrogation room was so obvious. But Mack is still a good guy, nice.

Radcliffe kinda have his eternal life, but is a prisonner. Still feel sorry for him. He really wanted to do good in the beginning. Aida is definitely not badly interpreting her programming: she's evil and conscious of it, she wants control.

Again Evil Fitz is really really good! And Jemma's reaction when he kills Agnes, heartbreaking.

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This framework stuff is really good. Does the fact that I wish that they'd been in there since season one make me a bad person?

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This is crazy. Great episode though!

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And we keep wasting time

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Shout by Deleted

Another really silly episode. Stop this framework nonsense before I stop watching all together. This is just stupid and not believable at all. That said about a sci-if series is really bad. Really bad. Have they changed writers? The essence and soul of the original series are completely gone.

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Why would Ward prioritize shooting Fitz over "Madam Hydra?" I mean, I know in reality it's for the drama factor, but it makes little sense.

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I love this framework storyline so much cause for me this is how the show was supposed to be, always exciting, stressful, entertaining, twists, so I’m okay with this storyline, but I don’t understand why they don’t try harder to make the team remember, like I don’t see the point in just following along with these fake lives instead of being direct with the situation, cause I’m okay with them being in the framework but I need for coulson, mack and the director to remember. And I hate that they just made up this mack’s dead kid storyline a couple of episodes ago just to give him something in the framework and make it emotional when they have to leave.

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I get that the writers need to constantly change directions in order to keep the audience coming back for more, but sometimes it's just too much.
I do love this "matrix" route...I do. I think it's awesome to see this type of AI revolution as oppose to what most writers come up with. But shouldn't it be that, like Colson, traces of the person is in their subconscious?
So how is Fitz this despicable???

It was bad enough dealing with Ward's treason. Fitz recovery was brutal. Daisy's swings/tantrums/indecisiveness​ as to where the hell she belongs was a rollercoaster. It's just tiring...
Do you think I'll ever be able to look at Fitz the same way???
I'm so conflicted I'm on the verge of jumping ship on SHIELD.

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