At least I didn’t hate it right off the bat. That’s a win in my book.

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Despite Danny not announcing he is the Iron Fist every minute anymore. Some fine action and more humor. They still need to work on the pacing and making the story more interesting.

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Good action the first minutes and the last minutes. Boring as hell in between. Not impressed.

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love the way Danny, in a situation of dinner, puts his plate to the side when he is getting ready to talk serious business, he did it here at the chinese restaurant and in season one in the take out scene with Colleen and Claire

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The fighting scenes were pretty good but the rest of the episode was mainly boring and uneventful, though something was brewing at the end.

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Man Davos is a wanker. The way he speaks just annoys the shit out of me.

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What happened to "I'm the immortal Ironfist." LOL!
What about k'un-lun,Where did it go?
In the first season Danny was using Iron fist with caution but now he is just using it whenever he gets angry.

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The novelty of introduction and the "how will his return be handled" question is done. What's left is not really impressive. As seen at the end of previous season, setting Joy and Davos makes absolutely no sense at any level whatsoever. Definitely confirmed by their attitude there.

Danny seems to use the Fist more freely, and yet only for punching. Shouldn't he find other ways to use it ? He's clearly been shown there are other ways by Bakuto, but he's probably too stupid to think of any by himself.

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This single episode was better than the entirety of Luke Cage’s second season.

Major improvements on Danny’s whole demeanor and the fight scenes.

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Better, but I still don't care about Ward or Joy, and I'm probably going to have to sit through innumerable Ward and Joy scenes for the remainder of the series. That and Sacha Dhawan chewing the scenery.

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For the moment, better than T1, things start up

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Following the events from "The Defenders," Danny embarks on a journey to protect NYC as Daredevil's "final" request. During this process, him and Colleen overlap their own cases and realize there might be more to this than they thought. Danny and Ward go to a surprise meeting in which they reunite with Joy who tells them she wants to leave the company. Joy and Davos has been seeing each other and are planning to eliminate Danny. Danny and Davos run into each other and "fight" but Danny is determined not to give in. An interesting start to the season.

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solid episode some pretty good fight scenes

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mmm ok a second season... just don't torture us with 13 episodes of crap..!


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