Mary was a very intriguing character, I always wanted to know more about her. But the whole multiple personality disorder thing feels too much like a cop-out, it's something that's been done so many times before. Disappointed.

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Mary is a very interesting character I love characters that have multiple personality disorder I know that's not the PC name but I can't think of it right now they make for really fascinating characters trying to help you one second then trying to kill you next

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The Iron Hand can heal, so why didn't he bother healing the stroke?

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Danny is tiring. Ward is exhausting. But this episode is quite ok. Like Walker.

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Nice, so Davos wants to get the Iron Fist power with a weird ritual using the mummy of a previous one. Pretty cool, and I can see why he needed Joy to make it happen. Though what's in it for her, except some petty revenge against Danny ?

Bingo on the multiple personalities Mary. She can also fight ok, but the smart part was the drugs, she probably can't stand full power Danny.

A pretty fun episode, probably one of the most interesting of the whole show.
Hoping nice Mary doesn't just save him now, it'd be great to be a bit more original.

Oh yeah, and Misty was there. Just as annoying and lofty as usual while always being way over her head.

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Danny Rand meets Misty Knight. The pinnacle of dumb and annoying.

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The thing gets complicated, the thing is going slow

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Another boring as hell episode of this soap opera full of Iron Wining.

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Danny and Colleen go apologize to Mrs. Yang and find her husband had a stroke which might've been caused by Davos. The two run into Misty (yes!!) who tells them they have a man on the inside who was harmed during the negotiation. Danny follows a lead at the docks where there's an old corpse missing a piece and suspects it was Davos. Joy finds out Mary has multiple personalities which her more dangerous than she seems. Ward tries to lend a helping hand to Joy in starting her own business which she doesn't want. Danny gets attacked by Mary in a subway station which she then subdues Danny and takes him to Davos so he can get a new tattoo(?). Hmm.

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All the Marvel characters which are inspired by DC have mental problems.I think the story will be interesting from now on.
No one would have expected an Iron fist corpse.

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The appearance of Misty made the already good episode even better.

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Great, added Misty to make her threats and be in the way. Like in Defenders. Let me guess, she eventually arrests Danny ?
Rather see Danny and Luke team up again.

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Davos : "I don't have time for this."
Dude, you've been talking with her about this the whole night. It's daylight outside and you say that you need anwsers 'now' ? :D

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