Maybe that ending was a bit too much but I'm loving everything about this show so far.

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Worst chocolate bar eater, ever.

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Here's where the show is starting to grab me. Great episode, and great ending!

Frank Whaley broke her concentration. Nice Pulp Fiction reference.

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A bit disappointed about the Scarfe twist to be honest. It's so cliché to have our main good cop have a dirty partner and it may be because of Daredevil but I'm really tired of corrupt cops. Also I wonder what would've happened if Misty went with him to speak to Chico? It was convenient for him that she declined... still a good episode tho! The rocketlauncher at the end caught me off-guard haha it's so over the top, I love it.

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Are you kidding ? Luke raids the safehouses, a single dude, by himself, punching, no gun, no killing, crushing guns with his bare hands, not taking the money... and everybody confuses that with the Latinos MO ?

But at last we got some action.

And Cottonmouth feels it's normal to take the money from the gun deal, not delivering the guns, while it is well known that things went south because of his guys, and makes jokes about no refund when the other party comes to collect ?

How did he even survive in this business ?

The Scarfe/Knight banter was pretty good. And they had to cliche up again by making him dirty...

Maybe I was wrong about Cottonmouth and unsophisticated messages... Seems weird though.

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Revenge is a dish served black and in the night

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2017-01-26T00:44:02Z— updated 2017-01-27T01:17:20Z

I didn't like the fighting scene too much , although the music is something that put an awesome in this show.

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that ending though,i gotta say this serie is amazing and with every episode there's something offered to the table makes you keep going.

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Okay one thing I'm going to say is making this show for me this far, Cottonmouth, everything this actor does playing him is perfect, the little chuckles he does at every little thing sarcastically, love him. Oh yeah and also a decent episode, that ending... 8.1/10

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