Shouts about...

Master of None 2015


Shout by dogg724
BlockedParent2015-11-21T03:16:21Z— updated 2017-05-20T01:16:42Z

This is a show that plays in the vein of "finally getting minority voices on television." There's chuckle moments and the cast has chemistry, but the perspective isn't necessarily "new." It's like long-form observational comedy more than anything else. If you're a fan of Aziz you'll get what you expect, but it's not particularly gripping, so to speak. A mash-up of millennial sensibilities and awkward situations, but even trying to recall "moments" from the show, I sort of draw a blank. That usually tells me all I need to know about a show. You won't knock it for trying, but you're not going to call home about it. Edit: The 2nd season turns up the charm and makes for more memorable moments.

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This show is really good! The point of this show is not really the comedy, this basically follows Dev's life and episode by episode they toutches in very important topics with comedy and irony that makes it fells smooth. It's genius!

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This is multicultural Seinfeld meets When Harry Meets Sally. The show about nothing that could be my life. Such an awesome series with enough comedy and real life bite to make you pee your pants and weep like the boy who got dumped by his first love. Can't wait for season 2.

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Season 2 is so much better than the first that was great too. Fucking awesome

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Season 1 was much better than season 2.

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Shout by Deleted

Anyone know if they’re making a 3rd Season?

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Pretty cool show. It is refreshing, nothing mind blowing but worth your time

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Love this show. Why is it showing as cancelled now? There's no news to support that.

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Thoroughly enjoyed Season 2 of Master of None… and I think that Aziz Ansari has really stepped up his game. I very much enjoyed the "Boom Bap" era'd musical score from the first season and could not fault second offering either. To up the ante, there's a plethora renown featured actors, but also fresh up-and-coming talent such as Clare-Hope Ashitey and the gorgeous Alessandra Mastronardi (a perfect scene stealer). Overall, I found the season to be a very ambitious production that opens with a perfectly scripted Film Noir-esque throwback - 8/10.

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Very disappointing show. Aziz talks too much, his friends are incredibly boring and monotone and the love interests have a racism-like feel for the show. Can't he date anything other than only white girls? The cast does have some chemistry, it's just a mesh that is sort of unbelievable. H. Jon Benjamin was awesome as usual, and the other two Asian guys did stand out. I would not recommend this show to anyone, but it was a decent past time, while I played Assassin's Creed 1 on my other Tv.

Worth mentioning, the father was hilarious. I think it's his real dad.

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Shout by Deleted

What I loved about this sit-com was the finale. Infact, it was not what i expected from a sit-com (the guy gets the girl and live happily ever after and such). So for that plot twist i really have to say bravo. For the rest of the series i don't know. Some episodes are good some are a little less but I think that the finale is what kicks this show a notch!

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Has plenty of genuinely funny moments until the last 3rd of the series, but you get some almost preachy episodes as well, and it turns into a full blown relationship/romance show in the last few episodes.

For the time investment it's worth it, but I was hoping for more being an Aziz fan + the incredible scores on Metacritic and rotten tomatoes. I feel the critic reviews for both this and transparent are a bit inflated due to the huge PC movement.

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Season 1&2 are amazing but season 3 is disappointed

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It's OK. Lots of daydream-sequences when characters are having 'thoughts' -- after the first few I started to zone out when they started, and eventually zoned out on a lot of the rest. A number of roles seem to have been filled by non-actors who deliver lines without conviction resulting in something that's not quirky, well-acted, or hugely funny. Even though I never really was fully engaged, the series has been well reviewed, so there are obviously viewers who enjoy it, I'm just not among them...

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Seasons 1 and 2 were great. The fact that they wrote Aziz out of season 3 was not right. He went on a bad date and as soon as she said no he stopped. He is not a predator . It was a bad date with misinterpreted signals. She said no and he stopped and got her a car home. Netflix should be ashamed for writing him out of the show over this. I understand the movement and feel anyone forced into doing something is 100% wrong. He stopped once the word no was spoken. I don't see a predator here just mixed signals. Shame on Netflix for taking this too far and ruining a great show.

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Shout by Deleted

Some critics are rating this the best show on Netflix. Really? Ive always gone by the adage that you get one chance to make a good first impression and 20 minutes into episode one that impression was bad. This over hyped over acted show under delivers - the whiny voiced lead is annoying, his "eclectic" bunch of friends instantly unlikable and its just not even funny. Maybe it "needs time" but there are thousands of great shows on TV and I wont be wasting any more of what time i have left on earth watching this drivel.

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