Personal Lists featuring...

Messiah 2020


series, movies & stuff produced by Netflix / sorted by release date (from newest to oldest release)
(based on and various other sources, if needed)

last update: March/15/2021

note: some database-entries are missing on trakt, so that the list is imho as complete as it could be atm. if you find something i missed, feel free to leave a comment.


List created and maintained by

Just what currently showing on TV

  • Skilled Thief Lead (4) : Money Heist (2017) ➤ Good Behaviour (2016) ➤ Imposters (2017) ➤ Lupin (2021)
  • Tricking Artist Lead (2) : The Mentalist (2008) ➤ Deception (2018)

TV Shows currently available with Dolby Vision feature. I'll be adding more as new ones get released, from time to time.


Automatic list for trakarr


some mystic, spiritual, fiction and supernatural shit


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


My Plan to Watch TV Shows...

This is a very tentative list. Meaning I just put a bunch of shows on here if they look even a bit interesting. So I will not be watching them all. Most will probably get a few episodes watched and then will just get deleted off of this list.


Declared binge worthy to catch up and passed through extreme critical analysis by Purge.


Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:
