Great start to the new season! Impressive writing and acting. Can't wait to see what's next.

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«Panic attach are often brought on by feelings of acute vulnerability. Psychopaths are extremely manipulative, and he knows you. So he would know exactly your areas of sensibility. (...) When we empathize with a psychopath, we actually negate the self: we deny our own beliefs about decency and humanity, and that can be very dangerous».

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I loved this comeback. This show has a strange feeling that I like a lot and this starts right from the intro scene :D.

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Dunham and September reunion!
Great to have the show back. It really knocks it out the park with bold direction, themes and music. Can't wait to see what this season builds to.

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My poor baby Holden in the hospital cries I loved the scenes between Bill and Holden this episode and as always Jonathan Geoff was outstanding.

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I just love this show and I'm so glad it's finally back with its second season. You really can feel that this is a new season as a lot of changes are coming for the BSU. Also loved the FRINGE reunion with Olivia and September.

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Holden is described by Olivia Dunham as "myopic and impulsive" and compared to a race horse by the new director. I enjoyed the whole Bill picking him up from the hospital bit.

"I'm being forced out because somebody has to take the fall for your insubordination, reckless lack of judgement, and titanic vanity. Is all of that fresh-scrubbed earnestness an act or are you truly oblivious to the wreckage in your wake?"

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I'm so glad Mindhunter is back! It felt like a really long wait...
The first season was absolutely mesmerising, and this second one is off to a slow, but solid start. I feel it's going to be very Holden-centric.
Also, now we have two Fringe actors on this show, which makes me hopeful that, by season 5, we'll have a main cast reunion :D

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Actions have consequences...with his coworkers, and with the inmates they interview. This is going to be a very hard lesson for Holden. Recent events knocked him down a peg. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

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