• 90
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Molly and Mack

All Episodes 2018 - 2022

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f2e0f4b94e0>
  • 2018-11-12T17:45:00Z
  • 14m
  • 23h 34m (101 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
Molly spends her summer with her big brother Mack on his toy stall. They share adventures together in the market with the warm, funny, loving community who work there.

101 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 The New Stall

Series Premiere

1x01 The New Stall

  • 2018-11-12T17:45:00Z14m

Molly meets a new stall owner, Alice, and shows her round the Big Hub. While Molly takes Alice for a drink in the Wobbly Coffee Pot, James and Mack bring Alice's boxes in to set up the stall, but James drops one of the boxes, smashing some of her pottery. Bob suggests making a mosaic out of the broken pieces, and he and the kids make a mosaic sign for Alice's stall.


1x02 Litter

1x02 Litter

  • 2018-11-13T17:45:00Z14m

Molly and her friends go litter-picking on the beach. Meanwhile, Moira has lost her precious whistle and no-one realises it's in Molly's bucket and about to get recycled.


1x03 The Fairy Godmother

1x03 The Fairy Godmother

  • 2018-11-14T17:45:00Z14m

Molly dresses up as a fairy godmother and makes Suki and Ruby's wishes come true when Daisy takes them to the see the pigs. But Magnus's wish to build a shiny robot doesn't go as smoothly.


1x04 No Pets Allowed

1x04 No Pets Allowed

  • 2018-11-15T17:45:00Z14m

Mack buys Daisy a puppy called Little Mo. Moira says no pets are allowed in the Big Hub, so Molly and Mack try to hide Little Mo, but then she escapes.


1x05 Peace and Quiet

1x05 Peace and Quiet

  • 2018-11-16T17:45:00Z14m

Alice has organised a relaxation class, and Molly helps get people to come to the class. But just as everyone starts to relax, Bob and Moira start some very noisy work.


1x06 Talent Show

1x06 Talent Show

  • 2018-11-19T17:45:00Z14m

Molly volunteers Mack to play the saxophone in a talent show. Mack discovers he can only play well when he is wearing a golden hat, but then something terrible happens to Mack's hat.


1x07 The Pony Problem

1x07 The Pony Problem

  • 2018-11-20T17:45:00Z14m

Mack tries to help Daisy by bringing Twinkle the pony to the vet's surgery. Twinkle escapes and ends up in the Big Hub - which doesn't please Moira at all.


1x08 Molly's Cinema

1x08 Molly's Cinema

  • 2018-11-21T17:45:00Z14m

Molly decides that Alice and James ought to get married. She arranges for them to go a date at her own homemade cinema, but then the projector breaks down.


1x09 Something Fishy

1x09 Something Fishy

  • 2018-11-22T17:45:00Z14m

When Bob mixes up a delivery of cakes with a delivery of fish, Mrs Juniper is forced to sell the fish. James and the kids help Mrs Juniper turn her cafe into a fish shop.


1x10 Alice's Film

1x10 Alice's Film

  • 2018-11-23T17:45:00Z14m

Molly decides to make a film with Alice to cheer her up, but all sorts of things go wrong and then Mack manages to erase the film completely. How can Molly save the day?


1x11 Locked

1x11 Locked

  • 2018-11-26T17:45:00Z14m

Just before the visit of a VIP, Mack accidently locks the adults in Moira's office and they can't escape. Luckily, Molly has an idea and the kids take over.


1x12 The Flower Display

1x12 The Flower Display

  • 2018-11-27T17:45:00Z14m

Mack tries to help Bob with a flower display, but Mrs Juniper thinks the flowers are hers. Mack can't bring himself to tell her the truth and ends up only adding to the confusion.


1x13 The Queen's Visit

1x13 The Queen's Visit

  • 2018-11-28T17:45:00Z14m

Bob tells Molly that the Queen is coming to visit. An excited Molly spreads the word, only to find out that this queen is actually a chicken. What is she going to tell everyone?


1x14 Suki is Shy

1x14 Suki is Shy

  • 2018-11-29T17:45:00Z14m

Alice asks Suki to read to the Kids Club, but Suki is shy and doesn't want to. Suki tries to hide Alice's reading glasses and get the reading cancelled but things don't go the way she imagined.


1x15 Puppet Show

1x15 Puppet Show

  • 2018-11-30T17:45:00Z14m

Mack borrows Alice's precious puppets to lend to the kids for their show, but somehow he loses the puppets and ends up with a bag of lost property.


1x16 The Best Doll

1x16 The Best Doll

  • 2018-12-03T17:45:00Z14m

Molly promises to return a missing doll to its owner, but how can she find out where the owner lives? James helps out, and they make a surprising discovery.


1x17 The Great Detective

1x17 The Great Detective

  • 2018-12-04T17:45:00Z14m

When Mack goes missing, Molly decides to become a great detective and with her sidekick Daisy she hunts the Big Hub for clues. Meanwhile, Mack is searching for Molly!


1x18 Mrs Juniper's Choir

1x18 Mrs Juniper's Choir

  • 2018-12-05T17:45:00Z14m

Mrs Juniper has an old cassette tape of her choir. When the kids accidentally unwind it to make a sculpture, Molly forms a choir to sing for Mrs Juniper while Bob fixes things.


1x19 The Sleepover

1x19 The Sleepover

  • 2018-12-06T17:45:00Z14m

Molly organises a sleepover at the Big Hub to raise money to fix the leaky roof, but when everyone gathers that night Magnus reveals he is scared of the dark.


1x20 Hubber of the Year

1x20 Hubber of the Year

  • 2018-12-07T17:45:00Z14m

Moira can't decide which stallholder should win Hubber of the Year. Everyone has a suggestion, but Molly provides the solution to Moira's problem.

Season Premiere


2x01 Molly the poet

Season Premiere

2x01 Molly the poet

  • 2019-11-04T17:45:00Z14m

Mack is attempting to tidy things up at his stall, but Molly has been distracted by a funny poetry book. Meanwhile, Moira brings two new arrivals to the Kids Club for the first time – her granddaughter Caitlin and Caitlin's best friend Euan. Everyone is very excited to meet them and they immediately set about building a cool spy den for all the children at the Kids Club. As Caitlin takes charge, people notice how like her Granny she is. However, Moira is offended that people think Caitlin is nosy and bossy like her! Can Molly the poet find a way to help the grown-ups make it up to Moira?


2x02 Big Hairy Spider

2x02 Big Hairy Spider

  • 2019-11-04T17:45:00Z14m


2x03 Dad's Day Off

2x03 Dad's Day Off

  • 2019-11-04T17:45:00Z14m


2x04 Cafe Juniper

2x04 Cafe Juniper

  • 2019-11-04T17:45:00Z14m

Mrs Juniper feels slighted when Moira raves about the fancy new cafe in town. Mrs Juniper decides to give the Wobbly Coffee Pot Cafe a makeover and ropes in Mack and Sandy to help. When Cafe Juniper opens its doors, Mrs J is delighted with the results, but the customers don't seem so keen. Bob feels underdressed in his allotment clothes, and James doesn't like the fancy coffee he is served. Bob takes his sandwiches to Moira's office instead, and James shows up to make a cup of his favourite, normal tea. Soon Moira's office is full, and Cafe Juniper is empty. Mack tries to tell Mrs Juniper that she's losing her customers, but she won't listen. When Mrs J nips into Moira's office, she quickly realises where everyone is and finds out that they all loved the Wobbly Coffee Pot Cafe just the way it was.


2x05 Show and Tell

2x05 Show and Tell

  • 2019-11-04T17:45:00Z14m


2x06 Toy Vet Suki

2x06 Toy Vet Suki

  • 2019-11-11T17:45:00Z14m


2x07 Chef for the Day

2x07 Chef for the Day

  • 2019-11-11T17:45:00Z14m


2x08 Mud Monster

2x08 Mud Monster

  • 2019-11-11T17:45:00Z14m


2x09 Moira's Big Plan

2x09 Moira's Big Plan

  • 2019-11-11T17:45:00Z14m


2x10 Goodbuy Daisy

2x10 Goodbuy Daisy

  • 2019-11-11T17:45:00Z14m


2x11 Wilow the Goat

2x11 Wilow the Goat

  • 2019-11-18T17:45:00Z14m


2x12 Bike Class

2x12 Bike Class

  • 2019-11-18T17:45:00Z14m


2x13 Radio Big Hub

2x13 Radio Big Hub

  • 2019-12-18T17:45:00Z14m


2x14 Big Story

2x14 Big Story

  • 2019-11-18T17:45:00Z14m


2x15 The Orange Scarf

2x15 The Orange Scarf

  • 2019-11-18T17:45:00Z14m


2x16 The Giant Carrot

2x16 The Giant Carrot

  • 2019-11-25T17:45:00Z14m


2x17 The Bridgetown Smiley

2x17 The Bridgetown Smiley

  • 2019-11-25T17:45:00Z14m


2x18 Precious Time

2x18 Precious Time

  • 2019-11-25T17:45:00Z14m


2x19 The Spotlight

2x19 The Spotlight

  • 2019-11-25T17:45:00Z14m


2x20 All Togather

2x20 All Togather

  • 2019-11-25T17:45:00Z14m


2x21 The Best Christmas Ever

2x21 The Best Christmas Ever

  • 2019-12-09T17:45:00Z14m

It's Christmas Eve, and Molly and her friends are writing their letters to Santa. They are super excited, but in their excitement, no one notices that Euan is very quiet. Euan eventually tells Molly that he hasn't posted his letter to Santa because he and his mum are homeless, so Santa won't know where he lives. Molly asks James what being homeless means, and he explains that Euan and his mum don't have a proper home at the moment, but that Santa will definitely still know where he lives. Meanwhile, Caitlin thinks that Moira has got her a real reindeer for Christmas and runs back to the Kids Club to tell her friends. When James asks Moira about this, she says that she's just getting a toy one. Moira scrambles to find a real reindeer to visit Caitlin, but she just can't find one. And on top of all this, Mrs Juniper is looking very tired. She tells Molly that she is hosting Christmas at home for all the stallholders - it's all a bit too much. Molly is determined that everyone should have the best Christmas ever. She convinces Euan to post his letter and asks Moira if they can all have Christmas together at the Big Hub in exchange for finding her a reindeer. Everyone works hard to get the Big Hub ready - they get food together so Mrs Juniper doesn't have to cook, Mack comes up with a solution to the reindeer problem, and Euan is happy that Santa did manage to find him after all. It really is the best Christmas ever.

Season Premiere


3x01 James and Alice

Season Premiere

3x01 James and Alice

  • 2021-06-28T16:45:00Z14m

James and Alice are officially in love. They want to tell Mrs Juniper first, so they ask Molly and Mack to keep it to themselves. It isn’t easy though, as good news travels fast!


3x02 Sneaky Sneakers

3x02 Sneaky Sneakers

  • 2021-06-29T16:45:00Z14m

Caitlin accidentally breaks one of her Granny Moira's walkie-talkies. Bob and Mack are roped in to help her fix it and put it back in Moira's office before she notices.


3x03 Double Trouble

3x03 Double Trouble

  • 2021-06-30T16:45:00Z14m

Bob's identical twin, Ted, comes to the Big Hub for a visit. When Molly finds out that they used to pretend to be one another as kids, she has an idea.


3x04 Game Day

3x04 Game Day

  • 2021-07-01T16:45:00Z14m

Mack wants his game day at the Big Hub to be a success. But no-one understands Magnus's favourite game, and Mrs Juniper and Moira get a bit competitive over Snakes and Ladders.


3x05 Mum's Guitar

3x05 Mum's Guitar

  • 2021-07-02T16:45:00Z14m

When Mack discovers a guitar that looks just like his mum's, Alice encourages him to start playing again. Meanwhile, Moira finds some roller boots and decides to give them a spin.


3x06 Caitlin's Dungarees

3x06 Caitlin's Dungarees

  • 2021-07-05T16:45:00Z14m

Caitlin doesn't want to admit that she's grown out of her favourite space dungarees. When Alice teaches Caitlin and James to samba dance, there are nearly disastrous results.


3x07 Bob's Babies

3x07 Bob's Babies

  • 2021-07-06T16:45:00Z14m

Bob smuggles his baby chicks into the Big Hub, despite Moira's 'No Pets' rule. But they are very noisy. Bob and Mack need to find a way to keep them quiet before Moira notices.


3x08 The Joker

3x08 The Joker

  • 2021-07-07T16:45:00Z14m

When Alice plays a silly prank on James, he starts plotting his revenge. As the jokes continue, Magnus decides to join in and play a joke on Suki - but things don't go to plan.


3x09 The Perfect Pet

3x09 The Perfect Pet

  • 2021-07-08T16:45:00Z14m

Suki is excited to get her first pet, but she can't decide what to choose. The Hubbers make lots of suggestions, until Suki makes her mind up about the perfect pet.


3x10 The Yes Game

3x10 The Yes Game

  • 2021-07-09T16:45:00Z14m

When Alice starts playing 'The Yes Game', everyone in the Big Hub joins in. Molly needs to ask Alice an important question, and soon she thinks of a clever way to find out the answer.


3x11 Ruby's Wish

3x11 Ruby's Wish

  • 2021-07-12T16:45:00Z14m

Bob is nominated for the Bridgetown Green Hero Award, but can't stand all the fuss. Ruby makes a wish at Bob's allotment, and Magnus tries his best to guess what it is.


3x12 Molly Gets Involved

3x12 Molly Gets Involved

  • 2021-07-13T16:45:00Z14m

Mack repairs Daisy's old toy dog as a surprise, and Molly can't wait for her reaction. But Molly's meddling causes Daisy and Mack to fall out, and it's down to her to fix things.


3x13 The Library

3x13 The Library

  • 2021-07-14T16:45:00Z14m

When Magnus brings in his old toys for the Kids Club, he and Euan decide to create a toy library. But it causes an upset as Euan and Caitlin have their eye on the same toy.


3x14 Big Brother

3x14 Big Brother

  • 2021-07-15T16:45:00Z14m

Mack gets a delivery of new toys for his stall that remind him of Molly. Alice wonders what it would be like to have a brother or sister.


3x15 Grasshopper Pie

3x15 Grasshopper Pie

  • 2021-07-16T16:45:00Z14m

Mrs Juniper's 'Grasshopper Pie' is the talk of the Hub, but Moira's not sure about it. Suki helps Daisy at the vets when there's an emergency with Mrs Anderson's dog, Bonnie.


3x16 Molly's Song

3x16 Molly's Song

  • 2021-07-19T16:45:00Z14m

Everyone is missing Molly, who's been off all week with chickenpox and is really fed up. They decide to sing a song to cheer her up, but can Mack write the perfect song for Molly?


3x17 Ruby's Special Day

3x17 Ruby's Special Day

  • 2021-07-20T16:45:00Z14m

Daisy and Suki look after the farm for Mrs Anderson. All is well, until cheeky Willow the goat escapes. Magnus and Molly are on a mission to celebrate Ruby's 'special day'.


3x18 Hidden Talents

3x18 Hidden Talents

  • 2021-07-21T16:45:00Z14m

Bob needs help translating a French instruction manual. Mrs Juniper reveals that she can speak French - it's her hidden talent. The Hubbers think about their own hidden talents.

3x19 The Bridgetown Sea Monster

  • 2021-07-22T16:45:00Z14m

Mrs Juniper trials a new smoothie with an extra special secret ingredient. Ruby is convinced she saw a sea monster at the beach with her dad. The gang decide to investigate.


3x20 The Proposal

3x20 The Proposal

  • 2021-07-23T16:45:00Z14m

James plans to propose to Alice, but Molly wants to make sure it's super special. The kids are exchanging 'happy notes', but an accidental mix-up causes a lot of confusion.

Season Premiere


4x01 The Wedding Cake

Season Premiere

4x01 The Wedding Cake

  • 2021-11-15T17:45:00Z14m

James and Alice try four different wedding cakes, but can't decide which one to choose. Molly suggests a game of 'weddings', but finds out that not everyone wants to get married.


4x02 Treasure Hunt

4x02 Treasure Hunt

  • 2021-11-16T17:45:00Z14m

Euan's plans with his mum fall through, so Molly organises a treasure hunt to cheer him up. Moira accidentally breaks the treasure and has to find a replacement - fast.


4x03 Hedgehog Rescue

4x03 Hedgehog Rescue

  • 2021-11-17T17:45:00Z14m

James and Molly see a hedgehog outside the Hub. Suki is worried, so they ask Daisy to help find Snuffles a new home. Meanwhile, Bob is dealing with a slug invasion at his allotment.


4x04 The Surprise Bouquet

4x04 The Surprise Bouquet

  • 2021-11-18T17:45:00Z14m

Molly helps Alice arrange a surprise for James, but he is planning the exact same gift for her. Molly goes on a mission to help deliver the gifts without ruining the surprise.


4x05 Big Hub Super Spa

4x05 Big Hub Super Spa

  • 2021-11-19T17:45:00Z14m

Moira is worried, as the Hub has been very quiet lately. Caitlin comes up with an unusual idea to attract customers and stop her granny from worrying.


4x06 Mouse Hunt

4x06 Mouse Hunt

  • 2021-11-22T17:45:00Z14m

Moira lets Suki keep her pet mouse, Otto, in her office for the day - as long as his cage stays closed. Moira breaks her own rule, and chaos ensues as Otto ends up loose in the Hub.


4x07 Euan's Present

4x07 Euan's Present

  • 2021-11-23T17:45:00Z14m

Euan and his mum have been offered a forever home, and they have to move in immediately. Caitlin worries that Euan won't feel at home right away, so she decides to make him a present.


4x08 Five Years Old

4x08 Five Years Old

  • 2021-11-24T17:45:00Z14m

James is reminded that it's his anniversary - five years since he opened the Kids Club. He and Alice look back on their memories, both good and not quite so good.


4x09 Alice's News

4x09 Alice's News

  • 2021-11-25T17:45:00Z14m

Alice gets an important phone call from her mum in Canada. Mrs Juniper and Moira are bickering, and Caitlin's cheeky 'chatterbox' message doesn't help matters.


4x10 Save Swishy

4x10 Save Swishy

  • 2021-11-26T17:45:00Z14m

Ruby is worried about the plastic pollution in the sea. It's making Swishy the mermaid and her friends sick. The Hubbers help her set up a protest, and Mack writes a special song.


4x11 Old Friends

4x11 Old Friends

  • 2021-11-29T17:45:00Z14m

Daisy introduces Molly to rescue dog Buddy, and Molly tries to find him a new home. Caitlin wants to know everyone's age, but it's a sensitive subject for some.


4x12 Missing Alice

4x12 Missing Alice

  • 2021-11-30T17:45:00Z14m

James is sad when he realises he's misplaced the scarf that Alice gave him. He really misses her. As the Hubbers share fond memories, they help him in his search.


4x13 Mystery Muncher

4x13 Mystery Muncher

  • 2021-12-01T17:45:00Z14m

Mrs Juniper is all aflutter when anonymous food blogger, The Mystery Muncher, decides to review the cafe. Will the visit be a success and earn her a five golden spoon rating?


4x14 Mini Moira

4x14 Mini Moira

  • 2021-12-02T17:45:00Z14m

Moira has so many jobs that need done. She sees Caitlin pretending to be her and it gives her an idea - Caitlin can be Mini Moira for the day and help around the Big Hub.


4x15 Fairy Bundle

4x15 Fairy Bundle

  • 2021-12-03T17:45:00Z14m

Molly is sad today, as everything reminds her of Alice. Ruby suggests they make a fairy bundle to help her feel better. Moira turns her nose up at Mrs Juniper's pesto.


4x16 The Name Bracelet

4x16 The Name Bracelet

  • 2021-12-06T17:45:00Z14m

Daisy wears a name bracelet which has her Nigerian middle name on it. Eilidh tells Daisy that she has a Nigerian middle name too. Suki helps Mack with a puzzle box.


4x17 The Wormery

4x17 The Wormery

  • 2021-12-07T17:45:00Z14m

Moira is on a mission to make the Hub more eco-friendly. Suki arrives at the Kids Club with a mysterious object.


4x18 Molly's Medal

4x18 Molly's Medal

  • 2021-12-08T17:45:00Z14m

Mack gets a delivery of toy medals, and presents one to Molly for generously giving her old jacket to Caitlin. This gets Molly thinking - who else deserves a medal at the Hub today?


4x19 Alice's Surprise

4x19 Alice's Surprise

  • 2021-12-09T17:45:00Z14m

Alice is back. But that's not the only surprise in store for James today. Mrs Juniper gets caught off guard by Moira's 'chair inspection day'.


4x20 The Big Day

4x20 The Big Day

  • 2021-12-10T17:45:00Z14m

James and Alice's wedding day is finally here, and the Hubbers can't wait to celebrate. Mack worries about his best man duties, especially when he misplaces his speech.

Season Premiere


5x01 Forever Friends

Season Premiere

5x01 Forever Friends

  • 2022-10-31T17:45:00Z14m

Molly is shocked when she hears this is Suki's last day at the Big Hub. She decides to organise a party and enlists the help of the Hubbers, including new stallholders Kez and Ayesha.


5x02 Molly's Stall

5x02 Molly's Stall

  • 2022-11-01T17:45:00Z14m

Magnus brings little brother Lennox to Kids Club for the first time and hopes he'll fit in. Molly advises him not to worry, but elsewhere her advice has unintended consequences.


5x03 Mish Mash Mosh

5x03 Mish Mash Mosh

  • 2022-11-02T17:45:00Z14m

Moira asks Kez and Mack to move an enormous pile of boxes, but Kez wants to have some fun first. Meanwhile, Caitlin's fairy-tale game doesn't work out quite as she planned.


5x04 The Wrong Robot

5x04 The Wrong Robot

  • 2022-11-03T17:45:00Z14m

When Molly sells Euan's robot by mistake, it's up to her and Mack to it track down. Unfortunately, her idea to find the robot causes widespread chaos and panic in the Big Hub.


5x05 The Second First Date

5x05 The Second First Date

  • 2022-11-04T17:45:00Z14m

Caitlin wants to make Daisy and Mack's anniversary perfect. When the other kids are roped in to help, the second first date doesn't go quite as Caitlin imagined.


5x06 The Stall Inspection

5x06 The Stall Inspection

  • 2022-11-07T17:45:00Z14m

When an online review calls Kez's stall messy, Moira goes into a panic. She calls an emergency inspection and shuts down Kez's stall. Can Molly get Moira to see sense?


5x07 The Very Scary Scarecrow

5x07 The Very Scary Scarecrow

  • 2022-11-08T17:45:00Z14m

The birds are eating Bob's berries at the allotment, and Mrs Juniper needs more for today's dessert. Ruby and Ayesha build a scarecrow to scare the birds, but it looks very familiar.


5x08 Monster Grump

5x08 Monster Grump

  • 2022-11-09T17:45:00Z14m

Caitlin invents a monster to avoid sharing her new den with the other kids, but Ayesha is suspicious. Meanwhile, Moira is determined to find out who's been eating her biscuits.


5x09 Surprise!

5x09 Surprise!

  • 2022-11-10T17:45:00Z14m

It's Mack's birthday, and James is planning a surprise at the Big Hub for him. However, it's been kept so secret that Mack thinks everyone's forgotten his special day.


5x10 The Waste Coat

5x10 The Waste Coat

  • 2022-11-11T17:45:00Z14m

Kez gives Bob a 'waste coat' from her new recycled fashion range. When he tries to dispose of it, Kez catches him in the act. Molly needs a plan to make Kez and Bob feel better.


5x11 The Delivery

5x11 The Delivery

  • 2022-11-14T17:45:00Z14m

It's an ordinary day at the Big Hub until Alice thinks her baby might be on its way. Molly and all the Hubbers pull together to help. Meanwhile, Mack has to find James - quick.


5x12 Guess the Baby's Name

5x12 Guess the Baby's Name

  • 2022-11-15T17:45:00Z14m

Everyone wants to know the name of Molly and Mack's new baby sister. Molly knows but can't tell. Caitlin decides to hold a 'guess the baby's name' competition.


5x13 Moira Takes Charge

5x13 Moira Takes Charge

  • 2022-11-16T17:45:00Z14m

Moira is in charge of the Wobbly Coffee Pot for a day. Magnus thinks they should keep the cafe just the way it is, but Moira wants to make big changes.


5x14 Jungle Day

5x14 Jungle Day

  • 2022-11-17T17:45:00Z14m

Lennox is helping at the Wobbly Coffee Pot and decides to make jungle animal sandwiches. After hearing tales of her travels, Ruby thinks of a way to bring the jungle to Alice.

5x15 The World's Greatest Granny

  • 2022-11-18T17:45:00Z14m

Moira hears Magnus talking about how fun and cool his granny is and decides to show Caitlin she can be cool too. Mrs Juniper has plans for a new display at the Wobbly Coffee Pot


5x16 The Hairy Donkey

5x16 The Hairy Donkey

  • 2022-11-21T17:45:00Z14m

Daisy goes to help a poorly donkey on the farm but is acting rather oddly. It's up to Molly and Mack help her. James tries to make Moira laugh, but nothing seems to work.


5x17 The Baby Whisperer

5x17 The Baby Whisperer

  • 2022-11-22T17:45:00Z14m

Baby Maddy won't stop crying until Bob sings her a lullaby. But when Maddy wakes up, Bob has gone to his allotment. Molly needs to work out how to get her baby sister to sleep.


5x18 Mack's Challenge

5x18 Mack's Challenge

  • 2022-11-23T17:45:00Z14m

Mack's got a place at college. He's not sure that he should go as he'd need to act and dance, and he doesn't think he can. Molly has a plan to prove to him he can do it.


5x19 Kez's Big Idea

5x19 Kez's Big Idea

  • 2022-11-24T17:45:00Z14m

Kez shows off her new invention - carrot carriers. She accidentally cuts up curtains that are precious to Molly to make more. How can Kez make her mistake up to Molly?


5x20 Goodbye Molly and Mack

5x20 Goodbye Molly and Mack

  • 2022-11-25T17:45:00Z14m

It's Molly and Mack's last day in the Big Hub. They both tell each other that they don't want a goodbye party, but they really do. Caitlin has big plans, and a great time is had by all.
