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Moonbeam City 2015

This show had an all-star cast as the voice actors and unique animation. I’m not sure why it was canceled so soon but what we had was as memorable as the 80s, with twice as many lasers.

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Cancelled way before its time. Weird and very out there but hilarious if you have the right sense of humour for it.

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What is the principal from neds declassified doing. So fucking pretty. Rarely funny. Mostly garbãge.

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Does anyone know any movies or series with the similare style and 80s theme?

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Archer meets Kid Notorious. Not bad, and I like the art and animation. I feel like a lot more could have been done with it given the time, but what can ya do?

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Love it! just saw the first episode and it just as i suspected: over the top 80ties theme, excellent dry humor filled with 80ties cop tv show cliches, and a wonderful set of colors that perfectly summarizes what i suspect (i was born in 1987) the mid-to late 80ties disco scene looked like.

If you like Archer you should definitely check this one out. I can almost guarantee that you will love it.

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