Shouts about...

Moonhaven 2022

Was excited when I saw the poster. Looked like it might be a cool tech and future story.

Upon watching the trailer, meh. Reviews I've seen seem to say not to waste my time on it. I may, give it a try if I'm completely bored, and have nothing else to do. (Fat chance, my time is valuable why waste it on something that others are saying is not worth my time) From the trailers, it seems to be a "woke" propaganda film about climate change and evil greedy earthlings refusing to aspire to a "higher"/"enlightened" way of life. Whoever's pushing for the studios to produce these garbage films needs to be fired. These actors are going to get a reputation for working for these garbage films, and then when they want to actually act in something good - people will automatically turn them off in disgust. I know I would.

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Somehow feels both low budget and big budget at the same time.

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Moonhaven presents intriguing ideas, and it explores some deep philosophical questions, such as what it means to be human, and what is the best way to live in harmony with nature and each other. The show deserved better recognition and appreciation. The ratings don’t reflect how good it was.

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Shout by Demi

The music in this is beautiful.

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Cringe-fest. Unwatchable amateur writing lead by an equally unrelatable and downright amateur actress who literally has zero credits to her name. How does sh:t like this get greenlit? So much wasted money and potential. Seems like AMC got grifted by some Dubai investment firm who need to launder money on a garbage production with D-level actors:

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Most comments below are from people that didn't bother watching the whole thing ..I thought it was AWESOME.

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So, spoiler free fast take - I've really enjoyed it - on the better half of things I've seen in last 12 mo but not top-3. I typically like Dominic Monaghan's characters. Season 1 didn't feel like it closed the loop on any of the major plot arcs though really. So, it might be a case where it would be better to hold for season 2 if there were other things one was interested in watching instead for a bit. I'm trying to avoid discussing the plot itself too much... maybe it's just fair to say it's a mix of familiar scifi tropes and some fresh takes, enough to be comfortable yet interesting, and I think the first two episodes set a fair expectation of whether it will be enjoyable.

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[AMC+] An interesting proposal that develops like a bland and mediocre science-fiction mystery story. There's a deep cheesy undertone to the portrayal of this futuristic hippie community on the lunar surface, full of dances and flowers, with a production design that constantly seems to be glancing at "The Expanse" but falls somewhere between the funny and the crappy. A kind of "Foundation" without budget.

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If you're looking for a nice polished CGI laden show - this is not for you. This is much more of a Drama than anything else. And I won't mention how the whole thing is annoyingly geared to today's real-life issues.

Other than that, this is a pretty decent show - by the time we hit the finale i was already looking forward to season 2 due to the fact season 1 ended mid sente.....

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The pace and dialogue of the movie remind me of a poor man's "Foundation." The plot leaves a lot to be desired.

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Interesting premise but runs out of steam leading to a rather unfulfilling season finale.

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Awesome! The way they are able to create this whole new culture in a few episodes, amazes me. I want to be there, learn from these people. Amazing world and character building. But that last episode really leaves so much open, it's gonna be a crime if that second season is taking long...

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This is shaping up to be a very good show, with some issues through the first season. The Mooners, with their hippie aesthetic and lovely language flourishes, have created some delightful characters and there are some very good performances from the actors who brought them to life. Arlo, Blu, and especially little Elna have made the most of these roles and hopefully we will see them go on from here.

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I think a common thing you will read is that the first episode was terrible, but then it picked up. This was certainly the case for me. Make no mistake, the first episode is not good. However, every episode has gotten more exciting, and I am now a big fan of this show. Unfortunately, many people will give up after (or before they even finish) the first episode. And again, with good reason, it's tragic that it has such a weak first episode. But I do think this show is worth your time. It has a really unique story that develops in surprising ways, which is hard to find these days.

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I hope it gets better quick, the laughable female lead lunar utopia just needs more crystals and essential oils to be complete.

Seriously, the plot is remarkably lame, and much like so many other products of modern woke Hollywood, the characters are thoroughly unlikable.

It's a shame when a cool concept with an adequate budget is so poorly implemented.
It just doesn't make sense that studios keep cranking out such weakly written scripts when they must have the resources to know better.

It's not like they don't have decades of shows to draw lessons from and plenty of recent examples of what doesn't work.

The actors appear to have the talent, give them better material.

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what the hell was they thinking. stay away. This is so idiot story that i could not see the first episode finished.

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Dont waste your time on this cheap nasty yawnathon!

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Halfway through episode one and I’m confused with the yoga society on the moon, also I’m having a hard time liking Bella.

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Um is this show supposed to be some joke? 35 minutes into episode one and the cops make Barney Fife look like a genius. Lead character has zero charisma in this episode....smh

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First episode was kinda hard to get iinto . but the 2nd was very promising

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Very poor some might like it wasn't for me!

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It was really Disappointing to me. Hopped for a better story telling. Maybe some find it good. I could get pass half hour of one hour long episode.

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