This is the first episode where the show really shines with genuine laughs and heart.

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Oh, to have been a fly at the wall when this episode was screened at Ubisoft. You'd like to think that everyone there was like "damn, this TV show we're financing is making some pretty good points about the precarious position of marginalised people in the games industry. Maybe it's time we take a closer look at our own company culture". Judging by what's come out in recent years about various higher-ups at Ubisoft, though, it's more likely they were laughing and high-fiving each other, everyone of those pretty good points just flying over their heads.

Uncomfortable real-world ironies aside, it's good to see the actual show finally finding its feet somewhat. The writers and directors are still struggling to find a definite tone for the dialogue, but the way this episode refused to pull punches makes me hopeful that the folks involved know what they want to say, even if they don't know how quite yet.

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1st standout episode. I've been harsh on some of the male characters but F. Murray Abraham finally gets his chance to shine. Pudi and Hornsby need a stand out arc stoon though.

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"It's an epic poem. Have you no education?"

Also, he was a really great actor/character in Homeland.

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Shout by Deleted

BA in women's studies.... Yep, the first real laugh :)

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