He comes up with all the most natural obvious solutions to everything.

I think his message to Uber was obviously too extreme and he never intended to go through with it - If he had he would probably be in prison. If we could see how much planning and "scripting" he did in advance, it would probably be quite impressive to see how he was able to make things go how he needed them to in order to fit his plans. Maybe he was worried that Andy was too willing of an accomplice so he had to make sure that the video was way over the top in order to get the right response from Andy

If only I had seen this show a few years ago, my dad was a taxi driver and suffered loses from Uber, he would have loved this episode. He would have loved the whole show but this ep in particular.

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Nathan fielder maoist comrade confirmed. He will bring down all corporations inshallah.

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"I haven't fully considered the risks of starting a sleeper cell"

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Shout by Deleted

Maybe I will make someone marry me in Chinese ! brilliant idea LOL

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