Shout by ChyneYee

This episode is superb. Love these two parts.


FORNELL: Napalitano's always been a step ahead of me. Every informant, every agent I get close to ends up like that kid downstairs. No one's that lucky.
GIBBS: He's got a mole in the Bureau.
FORNELL: Or someone with access to my operations.
GIBBS: Why not take it to Internal Affairs?
FORNELL: They can't help me.
GIBBS: But I can?
FORNELL: Realizing how sad this sounds, you're the closet thing I have to a friend, Gibbs.
GIBBS: You dying or something? Okay, not dying. Is this some part of a twelve step program?
FORNELL: Look, are you going to help me or not?
GIBBS: I'm thinking about it.


JIMMY: (INTO PHONE) And Gibbs, you hurt my boy, I'll kill your brothers, your uncles, your father...
JIMMY: (V.O./FILTERED) ... and after their funerals, I'll kill you.
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE) No brothers, no uncles, my father passed years ago. I do have three ex-wives whose names and addresses I will gladly fax on to you. (SFX: HANGS UP PHONE)
GIBBS: Oh. He hung up.

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