Personal Lists featuring...

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1995


The best science fiction films.


A personal list with animes I consider newcomer friendly
If you've decided to start watching some anime shows and don't want to get a complete culture shock, this list is for you.

Feel free to leave a comment if i missed something essential and have fun watching


Items to be updated. Please don't like the list. It's just for use with a script as I'm still too lazy to implement the auth just for this. Thank you.


Not on current viewing schedule.


Seasonal Animes around 20 episodes I can watch when I'm out of anime.


I remember either voting in this, or it might've been a completely different sites list. Anyway, this was published by IGN some years ago, therefore I will create it here and now for list purposes. From the official IGN release:

The cartoon is indeed a wonderful thing. Once mostly deemed to be the territory of a kids-only audience, the world of animation has evolved over the years so as to appeal to adults as well as children… or is it just that many adults these days have the minds of children?

Don't ask us, for if there's one thing that the IGN editors can claim to be, it's kids trapped in the bodies of adults. And so it goes without saying that we sure do love us some cartoons. And in particular, television has proven to be a hugely important part of our toon-development, starting from our earliest days with the Saturday morning and after-school shows and continuing right on to today with the more mature Adult Swim offerings and the like.

In fact, as we prepped for this story and looked back at our many favorite animated series from over the years, we were amazed by the diversity of the shows that we came up with. From classic tales of cats chasing mice to the legend of a Dark Knight avenger patrolling the streets of a place called Gotham, from incompetent alien invaders to incompetent nuclear families, from stories of the future to sagas of the past, IGN's Top 100 Animated Series has it all.

So put away your ink and paint for a while and have a look at this list. You might just find yourself animated by it...


Have you just got into anime? Then peruse this list and watch the "essentials".


Thanks to all who’ve made this a very popular list, in spite of glitches causing dozens of fans to suddenly disappear :(

A big welcome to the land of cinematic wonders!

I’ve aimed for a rounded overview to include not only personal favourites but popular hits and international award winners, animé landmarks, avant-
garde films, the New Wave, erotic “pink films” and the great classics that are still the glory of world cinema.

Much of silent cinema before the 1930s has been lost, its Benshi narrators displaced but good finally to have the landmark film Souls on the Road on Mubi. In the 20s directors were able to learn their trade through prolific practice, aware of and encorporating developments in both the Soviet Union and the West… and then, what a wealth of wonders! Older masters: the unequalled aesthetic refinement of Mizoguchi, the charm of Shimizu, the quiet observational wisdom of Ozu, the tragically curtailed promise of Yamanaka, the balanced restraint of Naruse, the muscular humanism of Kurosawa… Then, a new generation from the late 50s, in full swing in the sexually freer 60s: the idealism of Kobayashi, the political bite of Oshima, the earthy subversion of Imamura, the cool of Suzuki and Masumura. the avant-garde Terayama.. So many to explore: Yoshida, Ichikawa Kon, Teshigahara, Shinoda, Wakamatsu, Kumai, the documentaries of Ogawa and Hara, the stop motion master Kawamoto, the blood soaked Fukasaku.. the rise of animé, with the international success of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki’s beautiful flights of fancy, the spiky Tsukamoto, the popular appeal of Kitano, the prolific shocker Miike.. up to the present with Koreeda, Naomi Kawase, Sono, Kurosawa Kiyoshi… oh and i almost went without mentioning Samurai and Godzilla.


Missing on TMDB as of now:
ID: tt0242845, Title: Narita: The Peasants of the Second Fortress, Year: -


Best Anime of the 90's according to ANN's Bamboo Dong, Mike Toole, Justin Sevakis & Zac Bertschy. Ten titles each. Sorted from 1 to 10.

Available as a two part Podcast:
Part 1:
Part 2:


Animación Japonesa.
Dragon Ball, Goblin Slayer, Overlord, Danamchi, Caballeros del Zodiaco, Accel World, Naruto, Mazinger Z, Bleach, Slam Dunk, Los Supercampeones, Samurai X, Robotech, Death Note, Ataque a los Titanes, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul, Inuyasha, Hellsing, Neon Genesis Evangelion, BTOOOM!, Gantz, Devil May Cry, Berserk, Yu yu hakusho, Zoids, Principe del Tenis, Las Guerreras Magicas, Cowboy bebop, Hajime No Ippo, Inuyasha.


Shows and movies released between 1990 and 1999.


My definitive ranking of every TV show, cartoon, or anime series that I have watched through.

NOTE: TV shows only qualify if the series has ended and all episodes have been watched. Certain shows will be ranked by their seasons, if each one represents its own arc/mini-series.


The Animation Kobe (アニメーション神戸) is an event established by Kobe city in 1996 to promote anime and other visual media. The Animation Kobe Awards are given annually by Kobe and the Organising Committee to creators and creations.

So, here is my list of all winners, whatever it is winner of Individual Award, Theatrical Film Award, Television, Packaged Work or even Theme Song Award, it's on this list.


This is my own ranked and ordered list of the best/dankest anime that I've watched so far in my illustrious Chinese-cartoons-watching-career. If it's in the Top 50 (make it even Top 100), you better watch it ASAP because well... I do have phenomenal taste ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
More in-depth list is over at MAL
