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Season 2021 2021

  • 2021-02-28T17:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 9m
  • 12h 9m (81 episodes)
  • United States
  • Documentary, News, Reality, Talk Show
YouTuber Jordan Fringe reviews media of the past.

81 episodes

Family Guy has now been a staple of comedy for longer than could have been expected, and yet the conversation now revolves around what the show has become. The best Family Guy episodes put the Brian, Stewie, Peter and the Griffins in situations that are well thought out, but most importantly, structured. The quality of the show may vary, but what is certain is that the best Family Guy jokes all have a rhythm and set of rules that make the ones that land work.

There's a lot of discussion about the worst episodes of The Office. Some feature Michael Scott, others come after his departure. However, while episodes like Dinner Party and The Injury are great, what about the ones that aren't, cause the fall of those episodes? The Office in general is one of televisions most successful shows of all time, but this is what it looks like when it isn't at its best.

The best Big Bang Theory episodes understand exactly what the show is and is trying to be, but its original pilot did not. The Big Bang Theory used to be a very different show, and it certainly was not a good one. The original Penny was fired, cast members weren't written in yet, and the whole thing almost didn't happen. This is a look at the original Big Bang Theory pilot and how it went so wrong, that Penny had to be fired.

Nickelodeon was a mainstay for anyone growing up in the 90's. But why exactly did Nickelodeon basically dominate every kids television for years on end? The answer may not be as simple as you think. Nickelodeon had a formula for hit after hit, and we remember every moment.

Children of Men does something very few movies have pulled off. Two of the best one shots in movie history. Long one shot's are very technical and difficult to pull off, but with Alfonso Cuarón in the directors seat, he makes it look easy.

Indiana Jones is as revered a character in film as one can be, but conversation has shifted the past few years. Is Indiana Jones an important character in his own movie? That’s the question at hand.

Through out the entire series run of Scrubs, it was able to bring you hours of laughter and happiness as well as a few moments of sadness. In the episode My Screw Up, Scrubs is able to take its audience through a vast range of emotion in telling one of the best stories the show has to offer. My Screw Up is truly a perfect episode.

When Zack Snyder developed the DCEU he should have used the DCAU as a blueprint for the entire universe. All the things the DCEU seems to get wrong, the DCAU has gotten extremely right, especially the Justice League. But how exactly did the Animated Universe succeed where the Cinematic Universe failed? Could a proper blueprint have saved the Justice League movie? Would we even need a Snydercut?

Kevin Smith a.k.a. Silent Bob, created the very FIRST Cinematic Universe with his View Askew movies set in New Jersey. Using an ultra low budget with Clerks, Kevin Smith was the first indie director to begin his journey connecting his next several movies together in the SAME universe!

Danny Fenton, aka Danny Phantom, is best known for blowing up his parents laboratory and becoming a ghost hunting superhero. But what exactly made Danny Phantom such a hit?

Community was not your average sitcom. Time and time again Dan Harmon took Community in directions that were not typically seen in NBC's dynamite line up of half your comedies in the mid 2000's. The episode titled "Modern Warfare" is the prime example of taking a typical sitcom premise, and elevating it to a degree that only Dan Harmon could.

It's not often a cast as strong as Parks and Recreation comes together so seamlessly. Each and every character is funny and memorable, with the exception of Mark Brendanawicz. He never quite found his footing between characters like Leslie Knope, and Ron Swanson. And once we are introduced to Ben Wyatt and Chris Traeger, there was just no room left for Mark to thrive. Parks and Recreation will forever be remembered for the amazing cast of characters, with the exception of Mark Brendanawicz.

No matter which generation you are growing up in, Disney Channel always had a solid line up of Original Movies, or DCOMS, week after week that capture the imagination of so many people. Theres a big reason we remember them so fondly, and it proves Disney Channel knew what they were doing the whole time.

For a lot of people The Flintstones brought animated television to Prime Time, but it was actually Jonny Quest who perfected the medium. There hadn't quite been a show as ground breaking as Jonny Quest. Without Jonny Quest, several of your favorite animated shows may not exist as they do today. Yes, including The Flintstones.

Fast and the Furious movies push the envelope in so many different ways. With each new installment they get faster, and even more furious. But in Fast 5, they take their practical stunts. to a whole new level. Dragging an actual bank vault through the streets!

30 Rock on NBC was Tina Fey's crowning achievement, outside of Saturday Night Live. And it's finally coming back to Netflix! Throughout the history of 30 Rock sitcom, one episode stands out as perfect. It may not be the funniest episode, but this specific episode of 30 Rock ranks supreme.

Steven Universe is a breathtaking show. No other animated series on Cartoon Network has taken on the topics and themes quite like Steven Universe has. The show has come and gone, but the ideas and message behind Steven Universe will live on forever.

For a lot of us Boy Meets World was a fundamental show through our childhood. It taught a lot about friends, relationships, and life in general. No other show quite like Boy Meets World has had this much of an impact on an entire generation.

That 70's Show was a staple in households for 8 Years. But in that 8th year we lost our main character, Eric Forman. That 70's Show never recovered from Eric's departure. Even the introduction to a new character, Randy, couldn't save the dwindling audience numbers.

Whether you're a fan of Marvel or DC, there is one growing problem with our Superhero Friends, their costumes. Superhero costumes have all become the same since our heroes hit the big screen. But how did Marvel and DC get here?

There are many episodes of New Girl that I could consider perfect. The character development on New Girl has given it's audience the best version of Friends since, Friends. Everyone has a different favorite New Girl character, and all for different reasons. That's what makes a sitcom like this so special.

Mission Impossible is one of the most popular movie franchises of all time. Especially the later sequels, having put some of the greatest stunts ever put to film. But we would not have these spellbinding movies, if it weren't for Mission Impossible 3. MI:3 completely changed the tone and landscape of what these movies could be, and introduced a new style of action that would carry through the rest of the franchise. Mission Impossible 3 absolutely saved the franchise.

The Animaniacs have been around for decades now, but they continue to be as relevant as ever. Even with the newest reboot, it seems our favorite Animaniacs Yakko, Wakko, and Dot have not missed a beat. This show is genius in the most bizarre ways.

Donald Glover is known for many things. Acting, Stand Up, Writing, Show Running, Rapping, and much more. But through all that one of his crowning achievements is his FX Show Atlanta. Not only is Atlanta fresh, exciting, and unlike most shows on television. It has easily the best Pilot Episode of any TV Show in the last 10 years.

Breaking Bad will go down in history as one of the greatest hour long dramas ever created. The show itself could be considered Perfect, but this one episode in particular stands out as a series best. A lot of people would consider Ozymandias to be the ultimate Breaking Bad episode, but this episode stands out as the best in the series.

Jurassic Park is by far one of the best blockbuster movies ever put on screen. It's considered an all time favorite by so many people, for so many reasons. But Jurassic Park is so much more than a fun Spielberg Classic. Much like Spielberg's Jaws, Jurassic Park is a very well made Horror Movie disguised as a summer blockbuster.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the most interesting shows on television. Not just for the hilarious cast, insane story lines, or the pure genius of Larry David. But it does something that very few shows do, work without a script. Curb Your Enthusiasm is an improved based sit com, and until they start rolling cameras, no know knows what the other actor is going to say. It's pure Controlled Chaos.

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. When it first came on the air, Will Smith and company took the sitcom world by storm. The Fresh Prince challenged what typical sitcoms were doing and provided commentary on vast array of social issues. Will Smith made sure that everything about The Fresh Prince of Bel Air would still be relevant 20 years later.

The Power Rangers have been a pop culture staple for decades. We all grew up with one version or another of our favorite Rangers. But did you know 3 of the original cast members were fired? That's right, they fired 3 of the original Power Rangers and replaced them after the first season.

How I Met Your Mother is often seen as another run-of-the-mill sitcom about a group of friends navigating life in their mid-twenties. But one thing How I Met Your Mother does often is take your expectations and turn them on their side. This episode perfectly weaves mystery, hijinks, and comedy to give us a near perfect episode.

The first Matrix movie released in 1999, and change the game for movies. The mind-bending VFX blew audiences away. A few years later they broke new ground with The Matrix Reloaded. Giving us one of the greatest chase sequences ever put to film.

Superman has by far had one of the most storied histories on the silver screen. From the first time we see Superman on screen, to today's modern version, the way in which The Man of Steel is portrayed has changed drastically. The CWverse however, has found a way to bring our favorite superhero back to the ideals of the early years.

The hit sitcom Friends was a universally loved phenomenon. It was the biggest show in the world at one point, and now that the show lives on HBOMax audiences can get their fill of Friends anytime they want. Out of all the classic episodes of Friends however, are a couple that fall short.

As Brooklyn Nine-Nine approaches it's final season, it's hard to look back and find just one perfect episode. That's because Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been one of the most consistent comedies on TV for years. Andy Samberg's procedural comedy is beloved by many, and we'll all be sad once it's off the air. NINE-NINE!

These days, Harry Potter seems to be beloved by everyone on the planet. Generations of Potter fans look back fondly on the series of books and movies that have spanned most of their lives. But in the early days of Harry Potter fandom, there were a lot of people who thought differently. Leading to the Harry Potter books being one of the most banned books in all of America.

In today's world of Stranger Things, A Quiet Place, and the bevy of other Monster content being made it seems a lot of the Monsters in these properties all start to look the same. It's not due to lack of creativity, but potentially the idea that limitless possibility has created a bottleneck for "what works". The days of rubber Monsters and guys in suits are long gone, but why do we remember those classic monsters so fondly over the modern CG versions?

War Machine is now a mainstay in the Avengers franchise. The character of James Rhodes has come a long way since Iron Man 1, especially when it comes to the actor who plays him. War Machine has been played by both Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle, but why the switch?

Today, it's hard to find someone who has never heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For over a decade we have had a steady stream of great Marvel movies hitting screens across the world. But now that we are on the cusp of a new phase in the Marvel Cinematic Universe we are starting to see some of the same problems Marvel Comics had for a long, long time.

In the beginning of Parks and Recreation, Andy Dwyer was a shiftless, layabout, that took full advantage of his girlfriend Anne Perkins. But after that first season, the writers of Parks and Rec fell in love with Andy, and began his rebirth as one of the funniest, most charming characters in a sitcom. Without a doubt Parks and Recreation saved the character of Andy Dwyer.

A few movies come to mind when thinking who actually kicked up the modern Superhero Craze we're all in. Some point to the Fox X-Men movies, some point to Rami's Spider-Man trilogy. But before all that, one leather clad vampire hunter named Blade came to the silver screen and proved that modern Superhero movies were actually profitable. The Blade Trilogy may not have stood the test of time with most audiences, but with the upcoming reboot for Marvel, our favorite Vampire Hunter will be back in action and better than ever before.

A lot of people look back on Spider-Man 3 as one of the worst superhero installments ever made. Looking back, there is one big reason Sony's Spider-Man flopped, Too Many Villains. Though Spider-Man isn't the only movie franchise to suffer from this problem, it's a large reason this movie in particular gets the most hate of all. Will they repeat this problem in Spider-Man No Way Home?

To many avid Lord of the Rings fans, the death of Saruman not being included in the theatrical release was very confusing. To those who didn't read the Lord of the Rings books, the sudden disappearance of one of the best movie villains was even more so. But what led Peter Jackson to make the decision to cut Saruman from The Two Towers and eventually The Return of the King?

When The Sopranos first aired on HBO, it took the world by storm. Instantly becoming one of the greatest TV Shows in the history of the medium. But one episode of The Sopranos stands out as truly the best in the series. It's the first time we really see Tony Soprano deal with the realities of his double life.

The Kingsman: Secret Service blew audiences away with its modern approach to the James Bond era of spy thrillers. One scene in particular though stuck with movie goers long after the credits rolled. The famous Church Brawl in The Kingsman is a perfect example of how the perfect director, editor, cinematographer, stunt coordinator, and music direction, can take a fight sequence to a place we've never seen before.

When the Faculty was produced, it was hot off the tails of teen slashers like Scream. All things considered The Faculty should have ben another box office smash for Dimension Films. But what happened? Why did a movie made with such star power in front and behind the camera fail? How did a movie with all the ingredients of Scream flop so hard?

For many fans of the X-Men Universe, Rogue was a massive character that we were waiting to see blossom to her full potential. But with each new installment of the X-Men franchise, we saw Rogue get less and less screen time. Why did such an important character to the X-Men Universe suddenly disappear?

Malcolm in the Middle was a massive hit when it premiered in the year 2000. But Malcolm wasn't your average sitcom. Malcolm in the Middle change the landscape for what a sitcom could pull off in a half hour time slot. Gone was the multi-cam, and laugh track, and in came a new way to look at what sitcoms brought to the table.

It's become common place for villain redemption arcs in movies. Whether it's Loki, Scarlett Witch, Darth Vader, or even Venom, each villain is given their chance to make up for their wrong doings. Venom walks a fine line when trying to redeem the symbiotic Spider-Man villain. But creating a complete story arc for Venom has proven to be even more difficult when Spider-Man isn't around.

Since the Original Ghostbusters hit screens in 1984, studios have been trying to replicate the same success. But with every sequel it seems no one can get the Ghostbusters formula right. With the upcoming release of Ghostbusters Afterlife, will they finally find the balance between the horror and comedy?

When John Wick exploded onto movie screens audiences were blown away by the slick action sequences, bright color palate, and the meticulous stunt work known today as "Gun-Fu". Directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch, former stuntmen themselves, brought a John Wick to life in a way audiences haven't seen in a long time. Establishing a new blueprint for action movies going forward. But with each attempt at a copy cat, no one can match the excellence of John Wick.

Many fans of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia have their idea of a perfect episode, and that's what makes It's Always Sunny so great. You ask 20 different fans, you'll get 20 different answers. But this episode in-particular is truly the best mix of the show's emotional and technical abilities. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia continues to push the envelope season after season, but this episode stands out above the rest. Especially when you have Charlie Kelly, played by Charlie Day, in the drivers seat.

When Marvel's Daredevil came to Netflix, audiences were blown away by Vincent D'Nofrio's powerful portrayal of Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin. By far the standout villain from the Marvel Netflix shows. He could have rivaled Thanos or Loki for the MCU's best villain. But because of the failure behind the rest of the Netflix effort we may never see Wilson Fisk enter the MCU. Though fan's have high hopes we will see Kingpin in Spider-Man No Way Home.

Ted Lasso has been one of the stand out shows of the last 2 years. It is beloved by fans, and continues to rack up award wins and nominations. But what makes Ted Lasso stand so far above other shows on television? The perfect balance of Commitment to Jokes, and Simplicity in it's Absurdness make Ted Lasso truly one of the best shows on TV.

For a lot of people Megan Fox has been written off as just a pretty face. Especially after her very public firing from the Transformers Franchise after its second installment. But what exactly led Michael Bay to fire Megan Fox from Transformers? Was Michael Bay right to let his lead actress leave? Or was Megan Fox rightfully standing up for herself in the midst of a problematic set experience?

The Coen Brothers award winning film No Country for Old Men delivered one of the most terrifying villains in movie history. Javier Bardem, as Anton Chigurh, delivers a bone chilling performance that could rival any horror villain of the last 30 years. He is quiet, but calculated, going after anyone that might get in his way. No Country for Old Men will be remembered for a lot of things, but Anton Chigurh will be at the top of that list.

With the recent influx of Star Wars series on Disney+, audiences may not realize there was another Star Wars show that produced test footage but ultimately found its self back on the shelf permanently. No one other than the small creative team and George Lucas were supposed to see this Star Wars show, and most never will.

Many people growing up in the 90's loved the Power Rangers, but few know of their exact origins. Though Super Sentai fans of course remember Bioman and Galaxy Rangers. Without them, The Power Rangers would not exist in the way they do today. Thanks to some creativity and persistence, The Power Rangers were brought to life in the US.

In 1999, 10 Years after Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, filmmakers wanted another shot at an action/adventure story that took place in the early 1900's. The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser was their answer. When The Mummy finally hit the big screen, fans realized this was the Indiana Jones sequel we've always wanted. Yes, Last Crusade is amazing, but The Mummy immediately took us back to the inspiration that got Indiana Jones off the ground.

Modern Family at one time was the biggest sitcom on television. Giving us a brand new sitcom that broke barriers in showing what a true Modern Family looked like in 2009. As well as a dynamite cast that included TV Legends and several new comers. But by the end of Modern Family's run, the show lost the charm and appeal of the family sitcom, and audiences were left unfulfilled by the series finale.

The X-Files was once one of the biggest shows on TV. The Sci-Fi nature, mysterious alien story lines, and the on screen chemistry between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson (Fox Mulder and Dana Scully) was incredible. Fans of The X-Files tuned in week after week to see their favorite Agents search for UFO's. But late in the shows run its star David Duchovny's Fox Mulder seemed to disappear. Why did The X-Files seemingly get rid of their biggest star?

In today's modern age, it seems we're in a transition from the sequel era into the prequel era. Movies like Fantastic Beasts, Alien Covenant, and Black Widow have been made to take audiences back to the inception of their favorite franchises. But theres one big issue with prequel films like Fantastic Beasts, trying to create new adventures within stories we already know.

Leading into the 2000's, Horror movies had started to fall off the cultural zeitgeist. The road was ending for 80's slasher villains like Michael Myers (Halloween), Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th), and Freddy Kruger (Nightmare on Elm Street), as well as the 90's teenage horror genre. In 2002, The Ring took audiences by storm. The Ring completely changed the landscape for what American audiences were expecting. Movies like The Ring were beginning a new wave of remakes of original Asian Horror ideas and making them for audiences in the US.

Much like DC Comics, the DC Extended Universe has started going down a road causing many die hard fans to suffer from Crossover Fatigue. Every few years DC Comics puts out another Crisis Book seemingly to clean up the timelines they have created over the last decade. When this happens over and over again, fans of DC Comics start to notice the stories becoming old and tired. Can the DCEU prevent this from happening? Or has it already started?

Remember, Remember the casting change that potentially saved V for Vendetta and made it the iconic film it is today. Originally James Purefoy was cast as the titular V, but after a few weeks of shooting the Wachowski's stepped in to make a change. Bringing in fellow Matrix collaborator Hugo Weaving brought V for Vendetta out of trouble and saved the film from it's own demise. V for Vendetta would not be the film it is today without some creative casting choices.

When fan's heard Mad Max was coming back they didn't quite know what to expect. Then Mad Max: Fury Road came out and blew audiences away. The visuals, stunts, and practical effects were above and beyond what audiences were expecting. This was only accomplished because George Miller meticulously planned and prepped this movie frame by frame before cameras even rolled. Mad Max: Fury Road is a perfect action movie, only accomplished due to George Millers persistence and perfectionism.

When That 70's show came to an end, the creators next logical step was to enter the new decade with a new show, That 80's Show. Don't remember it? That's because That 80's Show did not have a long life on television. Completely missing the chemistry and creativity That 70's Show brought to the table with characters like Eric Forman and Michael Kelso. That 80's Show was just a shallow attempt at catching the same fire That 70's Show had for a decade.

If you know anything about Christian Bale you know that his preparation for a role is nothing short of extreme. Using a term called Method Acting, Christian Bale brought the character of Patrick Bateman to a whole new level for American Psycho. Without the amazing performance by Bale, American Psycho would not have the following it does today. Whether it's Christian Bale in American Psycho, Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood, or even Jared Leto as The Joker, Method Acting is a tool used by only a few actors today but it seems to bring out the best in all of their performances.

Over the many seasons of Star Trek we have seen many crews of the USS Enterprise. But after the initial pilot was shot, the entire crew was actually fired except for Leonard Nimoy's Spock. Many Star Trek fans may have heard of The Cage, the first pilot of the show. But few probably know what led to everyone but Spock being replaced with a new crew including the famous William Shatner as Captain Kirk taking over the Enterprise. Star Trek would not be the franchise it is today without this major overhaul.

Cowboy Bebop is long considered one of the best anime's of the last several decades. Beloved by fans, the artistic direction, music, characters, and story bring Cowboy Bebop to a level not seen by many of its contemporaries. With the premiere of the live action Cowboy Bebop, we take a look back at where this storied Anime became a fan favorite.

For some, Lost is seen as one of the greatest shows ever put on television. A truly ground breaking, survivalist drama that changed the way we think about hour long TV Drama's. For others, the longer the show went on the more questions they had, with zero answers. But throughout the entire run of Lost, one episode stands out as truly game changing. Introducing new ways of story telling, while continuing the concept of JJ Abram's Mystery Box, gave audiences a continued sense of intrigue while expanding the world even more.

For many of us, Terminator 2 is the pinnacle of not just action movies, but sequels as a whole. It perfectly wraps up the story set up in the original Terminator film, and gives us an ending in-line with what T2 set up. But a franchise like Terminator is had to leave in the past. Sequel after sequel, this franchise has taken a giant step backwards from what James Cameron initially set out to make. Which is a major problem many legacy franchises have when trying to make new, modern sequels to beloved films.

South Park has gone down in history as one of the most popular animated sitcoms of all time. After 24 Seasons and counting, many South Park fans have their own view on the Perfect Episode. Even the shows creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker have different episodes which they believe brought South Park to the next level. We dive into what exactly makes this episode of South Park perfect and why it has such a lasting impression on the series as a whole.

Modern Horror movies have drastically shifted in tone since the days of the boom in 80's Slasher Villains and 90's Teen Slashers. Films like Get Out, A Quiet Place, Us, and The Purge have all moved towards higher concept ideas, rather than memorable characters. The days of Freddy Kruger, Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers are long gone, instead studios today rely on high concept scares. Will Modern Horror ever bring back truly memorable villains? Or are we destined for horror movies that scare us more with ideas?

Through out the run of How I Met Your Mother the character of Barney Stinson has gone through a rollercoaster of transformations. From a diabolical ladies man, to a best friend, to a hopeless romantic, back to the ladies man, then to a husband, and eventually a father. It's not often shows like How I Met Your Mother take a main character on such a journey, but for Barney Stinson his character needed the journey to maintain his lovability. Without this change to Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Mother might not have lasted as long as it did.

Welcome to The Rankdown! A new show on Nerdstalgic with industry professionals breaking down iconic scenes they have worked on. We have Stunt Coordinator and Action Director Jack Grill from The Fast and the Furious franchise breaking down his favorite stunts in his career. Everything from The Fast and Furious franchise, to Venom, Date Night, and a lot more. Jack Gill takes us through an in depth look at his incredible work with car stunts on Fast 5, Venom, Date Night, and Furious 7.

For many fans of Brooklyn Nine Nine, it's tough to pick an episode that's truly bad. Most episodes of the beloved sitcom are top tier comedy. Especially when it comes to the 99's cast of Jake Peralta, Terry Jeffords, and Captain Ray Holt. But one fan favorite character got a very special send off episode, only to be brought right back into the fold only 11 episodes later as someone completely different. Brooklyn Nine Nine had the chance for a perfect exit, but instead almost ruined a characters legacy.

With the boom in Superhero movies over the last 15 years, one thing has become a major issue. Studios don't know how to close a Superhero movie with a decent third act. Most Marvel and DC movies have to end with the character still able to come back for more installments. It's the nature of Comic Book stories. Though none have had a more disastrous third act than Wonder Woman. The first Wonder Woman had a incredibly strong first and second act following Diana's fish out of water story. All for it to come crumbling down when Wonder Woman is face to face with Ares.

Before The OC first aired, Nerd Culture was seen as something to be mocked. Liking things like Comic Books, Star Wars, and Indie Music would get you laughed at and made fun of. So young Nerds never got the feeling that what they liked was actually cool. Until The OC aired and Seth Cohen, played by Adam Brody, came along. Seth Cohen made all that was once made fun of, actually cool for the first time on Television.

The debate over whether or not a film is a "Christmas Movie" has gone on for years. Movies like Die Hard, Gremlins, Batman Returns, Home Alone, and Iron Man 3 all take place during the Holiday of Christmas, but is that enough to qualify it as a Christmas Movie? Iron Man 3 director Shane Black has a habit of setting his stories around Christmas for a very specific reason.

It's not often a TV show has villains at the caliber of Breaking Bad. That's because the series creator Vince Gilligan used clinical psychology when he was developing the antagonists of Breaking Bad. Each one more evil than the next, but all for different reasons. Vince Gilligan was a master at creating truly evil characters throughout Breaking Bad's 5 season run.

For most people, it would be hard to imagine anyone else besides Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine in the X-Men franchise. He's become so iconic in playing Logan, it's like he was born to play this role. But did you know Hugh Jackman wasn't originally cast in the role? Only a crazy series of events landed him the part of Wolverine in X-Men.
