This episode exemplified how dumb the characters are generally. Both Jess and Nick running up and down after each other wasn't as romantic as the show hoped - just showed they're dumb. But the reveal at the elevator was cute enough.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

A solid closer for the season and the series. I believe it was cancelled after this but they managed to wrangle a short season 7 agreed to wrap things up.

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I totally forgot how much I love Cece and Schmidt.

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Is it just me or was it all so predictable and boring?

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I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want itttt

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i'm here questioning was this a season finale or a series, nonetheless this was an amazing finale and they confirmed they're coming back for S7 so...! yay!

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I think this is the very first episode of this series at the end of which I don't say "what is wrong with these people ???". I was hoping so much that would get back together at the beginning of the season. I was losing hope because of Reagan, but now I'm just soooo so happy for Nick and Jess !
Great season ending. Waiting for the next chapter !

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I really do hope this is the series finale as well. The show has really ran it's course by now and with this it would at least go out on a very high note. I don't see any reason to go on with this and I probably won't even watch any additional seasons and just pretend it was over with this.

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I read that this could indeed be the series finale and what a way to go! Loved it! Don`t see a point to keep going any further with the show.

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That ending got me crying a bit, I'm so happy. This show is over, and what a ride it was.

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Nick and Jess together at last! Now this show can end

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This episode felt very much like a series finale, rather than just a season finale. I do feel like the show has now run it's course and if this was the end, it was a good way to go out

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