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68 episodes

Series Premiere

1x01 Introduction: Our Heavenly Fathers Plan

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Heavenly Father's plan provides everyone a way to return to live with Him through the sacrifice
of His son, Jesus Christ. His prophets tell us what we should do.

An angel tells Zacharias that he and his wife, Elisabeth, will have a son even though they are both very old. Zacharias doesn't believe the angel, so the angel tells him he will not be able to talk until the child is born.

The angel Gabriel comes to Mary and tells her she is to be the mother of the Son of God.

Mary goes to visit Elisabeth and the Holy Ghost tells Elisabeth about Mary's baby. Elisabeth's son is born and they name him John as the angel instructed them. Zacharias is able to speak again.

An angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that Mary's child is the Son of God.

Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem. Angels tell nearby shepherds of his birth, and they come to worship him.

Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem. Simeon and Anna, two righteous people, see Jesus and praise God.

An angel warns Joseph in a dream to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt to escape the wicked King Herod.

The boy Jesus answers the teachers' questions in the temple.

John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus by preaching the gospel and baptizing many people. Jesus comes to John to be baptized and sets the example for all mankind.

The devil comes to Jesus as he is fasting and tempts him three times.

Jesus performs a miracle at a wedding feast in Cana by turning water into wine.

1x15 Chapter 14: Nicodemus

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Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to talk to Jesus. Jesus tells him that no one can enter heaven without being spiritually born again.

Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman at a well. He tells her about the living water of eternal life, and she tells many people about Jesus's teachings.

Jesus heals the son of a Jewish leader.

Jesus tells doubtful, angry Jews in Nazareth that He is the Savior. They try to kill Jesus, but He escapes.

Jesus teaches and performs a miracle for a group of fishermen. He tells three of them to follow him and become "fishers of men." He calls and ordains twelve Apostles to preach the gospel and heal people.

Jesus gives the Sermon on the Mount. He teaches what we must do to be happy and to return to live with Heavenly Father again.

Jesus teaches his disciples that they should pray privately and sincerely. He gives a prayer to show them an example and promises that Heavenly Father will answer their prayers.

Jesus calms a storm on the sea, and his disciples marvel that even the wind and sea obey Him.

Jesus casts evil spirits out of a man. The man believes in Jesus, but others are afraid.

The friends of a man who cannot walk bring him to see Jesus. Jesus tells the man his sins are forgiven and heals him.

A man, Jairus, asks Jesus to come heal his sick daughter. The girl dies before Jesus arrives, but He raises her from the dead.

A faithful woman is healed by simply touching Jesus's clothes.

A woman with many sins washes Jesus's feet with her hair. A Pharisee criticizes Him, but Jesus tells the Pharisee that the woman's sins are forgiven because of her love for the Savior and her faith.

Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath. This angers many people, but He tells them He was doing
what His Father would do.

Jesus miraculously feeds a crowd of 5,000 people.

Jesus walks on water. Peter tries but is afraid and begins to sink. Jesus asks him why he
doesn't have more faith.

Jesus teaches that He is the Bread of Life. He teaches that if people believe and follow Him they will have everlasting life.

Jesus heals a deaf man, and the people are astonished.

Peter says Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus tells Peter that his testimony has come from God. He tells Peter that he will lead the Church. Jesus tells His disciples that He will suffer, die, and rise on the third day.

Jesus is transfigured on a mountaintop. He is visited by Moses and Elias. Peter, James, and John witness Jesus's glory and hear the voice of Heavenly Father testifying of Jesus.

Jesus heals a boy who has an evil spirit. The disciples ask why they hadn't been able to heal the same boy, and Jesus tells them that sometimes fasting and prayer is necessary to heal.

Jesus tells the parable of the good Samaritan to a Jewish leader to illustrate how we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Jesus tells three parables to illustrate how God feels when sinners repent and return to Him.

Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one of them returns to thank him.

Jesus tells a story about a Pharisee and a publican.

Jesus heals a blind man and explains that physical trials do not come as a result of sin.

Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd and explains that there are other sheep not of this fold.

Jesus blesses the children and tells the disciples that they must become like little children to
enter heaven.

Jesus tells a rich young man to sell all of his possessions and give the money to the poor. The rich man loved his riches more than God.

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Many believe Jesus because of this miracle.

Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. Many people shout that Jesus is the king. This
angers the Pharisees.

Jesus tells the disciples of the poor widow who gave all she had to God.

Jesus tells His disciples of signs of the Second Coming. There will be false prophets, wars,
famine, wickedness, and destruction. If the Lord's people are prepared, they should not fear.

Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins to teach about the need to prepare for His Second

1x52 Chapter 48: The Talents

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Jesus tells the parable of the talents to demonstrate how to use the gifts of God.

Jesus teaches His Apostles after the Last Supper and promises them the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus endures the pain of the sins of the world in the Garden of Gethsemane before He is
betrayed by one of His friends.

Jesus is betrayed by Judas and is put on trial in front of the Jews. They sentence Him to death.

Jesus suffers on the cross for the sins of the world.

Jesus rises from the dead. He appears to Mary Magdalene and His Apostles as the resurrected

Jesus gives the Apostles the power to lead the Church of Christ after His death.

With the power of Jesus Christ, Peter heals a man who couldn't walk.

The Jewish leaders become angry because the Apostles perform miracles after Jesus's death.
Stephen is stoned to death.

Simon wants to buy the priesthood for money. Peter and John explain that the power of God is
only given to righteous men.

Saul was a wicked man. He sees a light and hears the voice of Jesus as he is traveling. He
changes his name to Paul, repents, and becomes a powerful missionary and Apostle.

Peter heals Tabitha, and many people believe in Christ because of this miracle.

Paul and Silas command an evil spirit to leave a girl's body. They go to prison for this act but
are released through the power of prayer.

Paul listens to the Holy Ghost and goes to Jerusalem, even though he knows they will put him
in prison.

Paul is persecuted by many people. He testifies of the Savior and of his personal conversion.
He writes letters to Saints in other lands while he is in prison. Paul dies for his beliefs but
knows he will live with God.

1x68 After the New Testament

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After the death of Jesus, the Apostles tried to teach the gospel to the wicked people. The
Apostles were killed, so the true church was taken away from the earth. Through the prophet
Joseph Smith, God brought His gospel back to the earth.
