Shout by kinky

So, now that we know there's a DHD, this is starting to look like Stargate. Does Jude have the coordinates to return to the Yorks'? And if they can breathe out there, then what happened to the mice Frank remembered Irene about on the first or second episode? He made it seem as if he released them on the planet's surface and they died. More importantly, WHERE THE HELL IS BYRON?! Not that I actually care, though, but he probably became a priest in the (likely medieval) village down below. I'm curious about that one.

Season 2 better give us some answers! Season 2 better happen! Please don't turn this into another Flashforward.

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I enjoyed this. quite the unique idea (Stargate notwithstanding). Sadly I'm hearing no season 2. So the questions remain unanswered...sigh...

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The people probably made him King. I agree, this is turning into Stargate.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked it. I really did. However, it's another 8 hours from Amazon which should have only been 3-5 hours total. Way too much empty space, long tracking shots, and needless filler.

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