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Normal People: Season 1

1x02 Episode 2

Best sex scene(s) in the history of series. Said in the best possible way. Insecurity, excitement, connection, physical and emotional intimacy, pauses, silences, voice tone, atmosphere... it covers it all, yet with a delicate and not prying eye

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It's cool to see how the intimacy (and awkwardness) of Marianne and Connell's relationship is translated from the page to screen. They definitely captured that ineffable spark between these two beautifully. Connell is an absolute dolt (affectionate) and Marianne's insecurities sneak through without feeling overwrought.

I do wish we got a bit more from the girls thought. Hopefully we'll have the scene at the club because I did find that fleeting solidarity between Karen and Marianne in the book beautiful and a great contrast to Connell's relationship with his lads.

A fun show addition was getting that flash of Marianne and her mother connecting and her brother icing up because of it. So intrigued how that breakdown of the Sheridan household will be portrayed.

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Shout by Agnetė

I think we could've been shown better why Connell is afraid to say he's with Marianne. In the book, since we can be inside his mind, it's clear that he has a big insecurity about being liked so he doesn't do anything that could jeopardize it. He doesn't wanna lose his status as the popular jock guy (ngl, idk what sport he plays) and here I don't think we see him be popular (we just get told by Marianne that lots of girls probably like him). The status idea will be important later in the story so it's important that it's set up properly.

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marianne, you can always do better than that coward, girl!

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Seventeen minutes into this and I am already sobbing.

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It is difficult for me to hear Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" and not immediately think of The O.C. Or of the SNL digital short "The Shooting."

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Not sure where this is going, but the leads have an almost hypnotizing chemistry

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I thought the conversation in the ghost house was a bit abrupt, but I'm enjoying the show so far.

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