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NOS4A2: Season 2

2x10 Bats

Glad this mediocre season is over, rehashing most of the previous season and delivering a lackluster ending.

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Well, it's over. Most of this season was a real chore for me and I wished early on that I had bailed after the first season. Because once I'm in, I usually stick around until at least the end of a given season no matter how awful it is. And never have I been more annoyed with myself over this than I was here. It just brought little in the form of entertainment and even less fun. Heck, even the actors seemed to be giving off a vibe that they were ready to go home, but that could have been me projecting. Either way, this finale was surprisingly good -- relatively speaking -- but that didn't make it remotely good in real terms, mainly because it was pretty much all wrapped up in the first ten or fifteen minutes, with everything else that followed being more of a meandering mess than anything else. I don't think that there will be a third season, but if there is, I have learned my lesson and will NOT be back. Good riddance, and all that.

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Welp, that was an ending, that's for sure.

I guess now we know the point of keeping Millie around but ostracized, though that could have been handled better in several different ways. As it stands, even her link with Wayne seems out of place, though it makes perfect sense.

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