Personal Lists featuring...

Numb3rs 2005


Keep track of my TV shows


Series I have completed and furthest seasons of shows I have not completed.


This is a list of all TV shows i have collected that have either ended or been cancelled.

Some were mini series, some got only one season then were axed.


These are some of my favorite classic detective/law enforcement TV Shows I remember growing up. These shows are not a random copy and paste list. These are real shows I personally enjoyed. I don't believe in lists that contain 8,000 movies claiming that everyone must see before they die. Dumping tens of thousands of movies in a playlist to share is irresponsible to others. No one can be helped by that! It can only mean that you're not genuine with your "selection." In fact, you'd probably die before you actually even finish looking through that long list!!


Shows I dropped because...

  • I got bored of them
  • they're not in my wheel house
  • are legitimately bad
  • not worth the time investment
  • switched to different media/source