Shouts about...

Obituary 2023

Obituary is a dark comedy, with a premise that is equal parts original and delicious... its a pity they don't live up entirely to their comedy billing... regardless, the situation that the lead finds herself in and tries to take advantage of is something I have never heard of... and that is kind of its entire brilliance...

Elvira Clancy, played by Siobhán Cullen, is your girl next door obsessed with death and morbid fantasies, who discovers that culling the unpleasant residents of her area, will help her earn more money at her day job, whilst satisfying her bloodlust.

Very grounded, very relatable, not as funny as expected.

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This is a well crafted very funny dark comedy, the characters are well developed in short order, delightful little twists and turns, well worth finding and watching

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Despite some narrative deficiencies and less dark humor than it seemed to have in the first episodes, this series has the ability to build a central character who seems to be Dexter's spiritual sister, but who is not limited to being a serial killer out of economic necessity, but it has a much more interesting psychological background. At times it fails to maintain the balance between psychological drama and dark comedy, although it has enough consistency to propel the story in unexpected directions.

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It's good. It's great to see this coming out of Ireland. just didn't grab me, it just didn't hold my interest

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