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Off the radar

All Episodes

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f2fa293c5a0>
  • 1h
  • New Zealand
  • Comedy, Documentary, Reality
There is much romance surrounding the concept of escaping the rat race to live a self-sustainable lifestyle and surely Aotearoa is the best place on earth to make this back-to-basics dream come true... comedian Te Radar is finding out. This series explores the delights and difficulties of trying to sustain oneself off what one man can hunt, grow and fish. Te Radar is discovering there is much to keep one occupied on long cold nights in the tent; do saucers of beer really keep snails off cabbages? Does goat make tasty salami? And what happens when the time comes for Willie the pet pig to hit the dinner platter?

13 episodes

Series Premiere

1x01 How Sustainable Am I?

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Comedian Te Radar has signed up for an experiment ..... to try to learn to live sustainably. He is ditching suburbia to create his own shelter, hunt and grow his own food. He has the challenge of turning a small block of land into a sustainable haven in ten months.

Te Radar's sustainability experiment cranks up with his egg production facility taking off. He finds possum elusive but eel appealing which means the new cookhouse needs finishing.

1x03 What Can I Recycle?

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Te Radar discovers his newly built shed may be non compliant. One of his chooks goes off the lay and he tries to unleash the Bonsai Lawn on an unsuspecting public to boost his coffers.

Learning to make cheese leads to Te Radar discovering the forgotten wanders of scything. He starts a field of unconventional trail gardens and builds a worm farm from junk.

A waterlogged Te Radar finds whitebait and flounder are a happy by product of his wet environment while an early morning goat milking delivers a welcome change to the breakfast menu.

Te Radar calls on neighbour Pete to help him build a safe sustainable shelter and heads off to market with his first excess crop.

This is the Christmas episode of the green living series in which comedian Te Radar ditches the city and consumer luxuries in an experiment to see if he can live sustainably, for 10 months on a remote patch of land west of Auckland. His back-to-basics mission covers everything from worm farms to homekill. In this excerpt he hosts a 'Last Supper' lunch for 17 family, made from food he's grown or hunted himself. "Here's a toast to the fact that you've raised a son who now lives in a caravan in the middle of a paddock - you must all be so proud!"

Te Radar finds his sand castle-building skills work wonders when building a mud oven and his pig hunting expedition delivers more than expected.

Two new porky arrivals give Te Radar the run around while his produce turns a few heads at the local A & P Show.

Goat hunting and the ensuring salami leaves a bad taste in Te Radar's mouth while solar power proves to be a welcome highlight.

Possum find its way onto Te Radar's plate and then into his bed while Rudolph the local brewer finds a useful way to preserve the farm's excess apple crop.

Duck shooting season opens with a bang but not a lot of duck. And Te Radar's attempts to add value to his flock's fleece ends in disaster.

1x13 The Last Supper

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As his ten months on the land conclude, a slightly more sustainable Te Radar hosts his 'Last Supper', to celebrate what can be achieved with good will from all.
