Shout by Deleted

someone just kill this show before its to late....

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Awww my heart soars every time I see Storybrooke :heartpulse: I really do miss that place.
Wow I was so not expecting that! I'm really glad that we got to see that happy ending though, Rumple & particularly Belle deserved it :heart:

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If it weren’t for Tilly/Alice and my favourite queen, Mary Stuart, I would’ve rather have pretended this vile season didn’t exist.

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This had me in tears! What a beautiful ending to the story of Rumbelle. I felt EVERYTHING!

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I already adore Tilly. My favourite characters always tend to be a little nuts, wonder what's up with that.

While I'm not as excited as I used to be for past seasons (I think the repetition of the curse with other characters as a "reboot" is a terrible idea) there's still some magic there. I like how we get a glimpse at what's happening to our original characters, kinda like the Happily Ever After you never get to see.

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One of the best episodes of Once ever, just for that sequence.

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Pedro why do you have nothing nice to say lol you're literally negative for everything? Why watch it then? If you can't find anything good or just enjoy anything and be a downer why keep coming back? It's ridiculous and you should try and be a little positive instead saying some generic hate comment without giving reasons why? Just seems pointless to me lol

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Reminded me of the old man from the movie "Up". Even the music was similar

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This chapter broke my heart...

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