Wanting to know more about Badison cuz she's an intriguing mix of sociopathy and rage and liar tendencies that makes for cringe. I hope there's a tragic backatory there.

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Jesus, the prisoner fantasy shit is annoying. We get it, the guards are almost all terrible.

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I can‘t stand Madison, she‘s the worst. She gets way too much screentime.

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Daddy and Daya? I ship it so hard

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Badison is super annoying. I really don't like her.
It's cute to see Piper and Alex planning their future together.
Well, well... Daya likes Daddy now...
Red and Taystee are going to fight for justice.

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Really curious if Daddy went to prison because she kept giving out girls who got killed or if she maybe ended up killing Felipe for hurting her girlfriend.

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PLEASE! The Zirconia moment doing the whale... I am dying.

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Shout by Deleted

is so amazing to see Sophia and Gloria together like old besties

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