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Outer Range

Season 2

Season 1 seemed like a time-mystery with Western elements. Disappointingly, Season 2 flips the script and seems like a Western with time-mystery elements. The story-telling is just as good, but I can't say Westerns have ever captivated my attention. I quickly found myself watching this as more of a background, secondary-focus, rather than a sit and binge show.

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Without a doubt, season 2 is also binge-watching, but... No, it is not comparable to the first season, during which the very well-written script created expectations until to the last episode. In this second season, the handling of the characters' time jumps was too superficial, and was used a little too much to fix things, so to speak. I just hope they don't let too much time pass for the third season, because rebuilding the mess that happened in the second would be hard work.

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