After two seasons we still don't know one single rule of how time as a river flows? Upstream? Downstream? No idea of how it works.

I am not asking for complete breakdown of rules just one rule for some form of stability to the story.

After 2 season I firmly believe even writes of this show don't have a proper rules for how this hole/time works This would have worked if characters were written brilliantly but they are above average.

Also Joy went back in time not through a hole, they changed one constant in the time travel rule of needing the hole. Past Perry is dead so how come future Perry who came back in time is alive doesn't it become a paradox. They have not hinted at different timelines and also if they were in different timelines then Wayne Tillerson wouldn't have been able to see Perry in the Past fight n front of bar.

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Overall I liked this season a lot better than the first one, which completely went off the rails after a strong beginning. But it feels like it's not really going anywhere. I vowed after the terrible ending of season one that I wouldn't watch another season, yet here we are. I guess I would watch another season in the hopes it decides where it wants to go.

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Sooner or later, time travel shows jump the shark. That’s season 2 for this show. I’m guessing it won’t get renewed.

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utter garbage. this season just exists to undo everything from season 1 so they can perpetuate the show as long as they can without any aim. i loved Season 1 and i hope 3 dosent ever happen.

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Eh, so now there's like two timelines and you can kill yourself in the past and replace him? Lame dream sequences and musical numbers throughout. I dunno why I bothered watching another season of this.

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I really like the whole concept, most of the actors and the story, but...

I'm really sick of people just dumping bodies into a TIME-HOLE that goes to some RANDOM TIME!

They know exactly how the hole works, real people wouldn't be this dumb since they know it could pop up a week ago or a week from now...

Most of them seem somewhat rational so don't even try to convince me "oh they're in shock" bla bla bla."

It's lazy writing, end of conversation. The writers just want something in their back pocket the next time they need to dangle some half assed "twist".

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