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Ozark: Season 4

4x12 Trouble the Water

Shout by jxnxxr

but WHY would the children want to go live with their born again grandpa?? do they have any idea how horrible it is to live with a fundamentalist christian?? i know they hate their mom but they can just move lol charlotte did it before they can live at the motel
and charlotte can forget her wine and her weed and jonah can forget his all nighter laundering money or gaming whatever the fuck that little creep does

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This episode was so painful to watch and not in a good way! The drama over the kids going to live with the grandpa was a non-issue and they played it like a big life and death situation.

First, they are big, close to being adults, they can come and go. It’s not a big deal, they are not going to war.

Second, wouldn’t the parents be happy that they are away from trouble? They can be away in a safe place until they can deal with their current troubles. Nothing made sense in this.

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Wendy is scaring me now

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I think wendy doesn’t care about losing her children as much as she cares about losing.
I know the grandfather is an alcoholic abusive piece of sht, but the other option is wendy and marty, cartel leaders, money launderers, and murderers… like I call that an improvement, cause what they, especially wendy, have put the kids through is just awful
So Charlotte can go to college now, go live there be part of a sorority and I know the grandpa is gonna be good to Jonah cause he reminds him of Ben so I think they are gonna be good, also they are rich (with their own money) and smart, and I do believe the reason that man wants to take the kids away is cause of what wendy did to ben
Also I’m disappointed with Mel :/
And I’m so happy about Ruth!! She deserves a clean slate.

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Dems against election fraud, that's rich. :joy:

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Wendy is unhinged. This is getting more and more insane by the episode.

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Shout by J_345

Well Wendy is going to kill her dad. First time i would approve

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Fuck me, the tension's at its peak:bangbang: :imp::bangbang:

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The writing has gone to crap, everyone is brilliant and Marty isn’t very bright. 4/10

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Wendy is one crazy B*tch.

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Shout by Deleted

I spy a location from season one of The Walking Dead. :)

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