Personal Lists featuring...

Paranoia Agent 2004


TV Series I wanna watch


Tudo que tá aqui eu vou rever


Distinctively stylized/weird/artsy in some way, conveying a particular sense of style that feels unusual.


Anime that I watched/am watching as part of the 2018 Anime Watching Challenge hosted by MAL.

2018 Anime Watching Challenge:

My entry:


Mostly horror comedy and psychological, I mostly avoid horror.


Films I saw at the Filmpodium cinema in Zurich.


Artistic trip? Surrealist? Uncommon pacing? Super deep? Maybe all at the same time? It should be here.

Sakuga-porn anime are not here, or if they are, it's for other reasons (sorry mob and TTGL I love you very much)


Not comprehensive! Just shows I've seen and would recommend.


Best Anime of the 90's according to ANN's Theron Martin, Hope Chapman, Justin Sevakis, Zac Bertschy. Ten titles each. Sorted from 1 to 10.

Available as a two part Podcast:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Honorable Mentions:
Zac Bertschy; Redline, Princess Tutu, Mind Game, Victorian Romance Emma
Justin Sevakis; Kino's Journey, Gankutsuou, Story of Saiunkoku, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Eden of the East, Paprika
Hope Chapman; (comedy) School Rumble, Azumanga Daioh, (animation for the sake of animation) Redline, FLCL, (new media / moe / dependence upon fans) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, ef: a tale of memories, (pure entertainment) Samurai Champloo, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, (slice of life) Honey and Clover, Genshiken, Beck, Paradise Kiss, (Best children's anime) Dennou Coil, Spirited Away, (Feels cinematic / feels like one continuous experience) RahXephon, Death Note, (Taking a uniform vision but episodes look at separate themes) Haibane Renmei, Kino's Journey
Theron Martin; My-Hime, My-Otome, Baccano!, Metropolis, Saikano, Scrapped Princess, Twelve Kingdoms, Paprika, Boogiepop Phantom, Living for the Day After Tomorrow, Eden of the East, Gankutsuou, Haibane Renmei, Redline

As for Genious Party: The short mentioned was "Baby Blue" by Shinichiro Watanabe.


animation series already watched partially or finished. In order of liking (personal ranking)
