Do yourself a favor and watch this show

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-01-01T02:31:54Z— updated 2022-12-22T08:12:25Z

This is a frustrating episode. Tom is a complete jackass, and the redemption at the end is not enough to make up for it. It's made worse by the fact that his business failing is completely his fault - as evidenced earlier in the season when they laughed off Ben's help.

The Ben/Andy story is even more frustrating to me, because I very much identify with Ben in this instance. I've been on the receiving end of similar kinds of roommate inconsiderateness, and it's not fun to deal with. Neither Andy nor April apologize for what they did - instead, the show focuses on getting Ben to open up. Which may be a problem, but I completely disagree that it's the main problem in this particular situation. Andy and April should learn to be more considerate.

But, it's a comedy show, and I am over-analyzing things that are being played for laughs.

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