Shout by Deleted

story is developing again. interesting

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This season is already much
Better than 6.
Ezra needs to bang that
Liam clean out,
What a dick,
Who the Hella does he
Think he is coming into
Our town thinking he
Can insert himself into
Our Ezra and Aria's
Situation, I hope Ezra
Rags him all over.
I'm so glad Spencer called
Caleb on his cheating BS.
Mary D is creepy AF.
Ali needs us can we please
Mount a rescue and get her
Out of that place.
Team-PLL have done crazier
Things and pulled even
Crazier off,
So let's go get Ali already.

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Hanna be like: Yo, you were eating lemon cake while I was being electrocuted... Imma boil my own water thnxxxxxxx

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Finally someone calls Ezra out on his bullshit. You go, Liam!

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