Disappointing last 2 episodes. So many plot holes. Jessica escaping Nicholas' house was ridiculous. Are we meant to believe that Nicholas only had 1 bodyguard and noone else in the entire house? Also, how the hell did he barge into Jessica's house by himself and take Ainsley hostage? There were so many cleverer ways to go about nailing or harming Nicholas every step of the way.
Also, bringing back Sophie ("the girl in the box") just so Malcolm can "fall on his sword" protecting her was so cheap and unnecessary. It would've been a lot more interesting if it was revealed that Eve wasn't Sophie sister after all but working for Nicholas to get close to Malcolm and find out the "files" that Sophie supposedly gave to Martin, and she actually killed herself because she developed feelings for Malcolm and wasn't willing to go through with the plan anymore.

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This finale is easily the show's high point thus far. Very impressive. I always find it remarkable how otherwise mediocre network TV manages to deliver something at least slightly compelling wrapping things up, but the wrap-up here well above average.

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That was extremely bloody, extremely gruesome and kind of amazing.

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I love her on, "The Orville," but...she really shines in this role!

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That was one bloody awesome ending :scream:

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Shout by Tee

That was a great finale!!! When the sister slit his throat and went stab crazy, I cheered!! The man had it coming!! So looking forward to next season!!

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Is it worrying that I thought she looked amazing splattered in blood?

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So, it's ok. The show had/has promise but I really dislike some of the characters. How many times will we see the quirky forensic pathologist...lou diamond doesn't sparkle, and the mother is disappointing. Overall just uninspired acting from many of the characters. Meh.

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Shout by Timekeeper
BlockedParent2020-04-29T23:21:09Z— updated 2020-05-17T07:25:09Z

Cant wait for season 2.

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What an amazing season finale!!! I didn’t see that coming!! And of course it Can happens without having any signs that could be possible...after all is know that the serial killers have a moment in their life when they just snap, to me in this last episode she snapped, simple as that U_U

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Ok this finale was way better than I expected. The twist at the end was kinda expected but I didn't think they would go with it. And also, can't wait for season two. Like father, like daughter.

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People complaining about the ending. I guess expected the writers to make it obvious through the whole season. That a certain someone was capable of that.
Either way it was a great ending and I hope the show comes back. Fox does suck though and even have cancelled shows with a following. Like, Almost Human.

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I really loved the finale. People think the ending came out of left field, but this was also the girl who in my opinion took pleasure in her boy toy camera guy getting stabbed and filmed her dad doing surgery on him. It was a whole "your not quite right in the head" moment that she thoroughly enjoyed. The shit was cold as hell.

If there was something to dislike it was Martin forgetting he had balls when Nicholas had him moved to Rikers and was acting all scared. I get there's a bounty on his head, but it's clear Martin is a rather clever man.

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This was an exceptional finale. The twist did come out of nowhere, but I don't think it was an asspull without any foreshadowing. I mean, as I said, it did come out of nowhere, but I think hating it and calling it an asspull is unnecessary. Foreshadowing it would've ruined it. But I guess some people would prefer twists to be foreshadowed, for some odd reason. Plus, it's not like she did it and didn't react after she did it. She simply did it out of desperation without an active frame of mind, which is why she acted and reacted the way she did after the fact. I don't see the issue with that and how it came out of nowhere with no indication. Regardless, I enjoyed it. And I believe the ending opened up a door for new possibilities for a very interesting second season, which I hope will come to fruition.

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Ok, that final scene was just great!

I don't mind there not being too much foreplay, the scene wouldn't have had that much of an impact if she changed too much before hand. And it wasn't really necessary. Murderers (if you actually think of it as murder - although probably not by law, i would argue that it was actually self-defense, since he WAS actively attacking her and her family and there was no other way of stopping him).

I hope they make something out of this and don't just make a killer-gene bullshit bla bla season 2.

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The ‘twist’ was completely unearned. There was no foreshadowing of any sort to indicate this was possible. What an asspull. Spoiled an otherwise entertaining series. This episode has made it difficult to take it seriously at all.

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