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Project Mc² 2015

Ich schaue nicht nur normale Mystery/Drama-Serien an, sondern auch gerne Nick- und Disney-Serien.
Die Serie hier finde ich gut gemacht und die Schauspieler haben Talent. Ja, es ist stellenweise etwas kitschig aufgebaut, aber das tut keinen Abbruch und dennoch von der Qualität weit über einigen Disney-Serien.

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This is a Netflix original that is intended for a younger audience, but I still enjoy it. I discovered it while browsing the internet and I thought it sounded interesting, so I started it. It's pretty quick to binge. If you are young, this is a good show to watch.

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i really like how colorful everything is so i gave the first episode a try. the acting is pretty awkward and the writing feels silly, so i dont think i will stick around. the premise is cute though, smart girls doing spy things and dressing in cute clothes. i did see that younger audiences liked this show based on some reviews and that great i might enjoy it more if i was younger :)

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