Shouts about...

Psycho-Pass 2012

Definitely a must watch for any thriller fan.

Make sure to bell rested as it does tackle both serious psychological on top of complex thought theories.

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I adored this show! I liked the second season even more than the first -- shame it ended after only 11 episodes!

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I just finished the 1st season, and even though the 2nd (last season) may turn out disappointing, based on the 1st alone I feel confident enough to say that this is probably one of the most underrated anime shows of its kind. I appreciate it more than the generally top-ranked anime shows of the past 2~3 years, even though direct comparisons can't be made in most cases.

Everyone has a different opinion, but just to give a personal example in contrast with one of the all time top-rated animes: it took me around 10eps. of Steins;Gate to get interested in the show, but even then some episodes were slow-burning, some even very boring, overall I struggled to keep up interest and overlook some stupid aspects. With Psycho-Pass, I was hooked within 2eps. and couldn't get enough of it: fast-paced, action-packed, mature...

Comparing the genre to Western-made movies, this show gave me a Blade Runner/Judge Dread/Minority Report mashup vibe, although much more thrilling and entertaining than those 3 combined. I can't really make a comparison to other anime that remind me of it because I haven't watched that many anime shows to be able to point towards.

Absolutely gorgeous animation.

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Really agree on everything said here. Movie also isnt as bad as people make it out to be. I really hope it will get the 3rd Season.

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