Shouts about...

Quantico: Season 1

1x12 Alex

Now we move to stage 2, and now see

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That episode makes little to no sense...Everybody asked Alex to say that she doesnt believe that there is someone else organising the terrorist attacks but when she does so they are disatisfied and judje her...but why?You said to her to say that...Moreover should we believe that 1 month as a trainee makes soo much of a difference beteween Alex's group and the others' as they present that?...I also think additional characters are not required at this point especially when they get in the series without ''building'' them properly..It's like,pouf new characters,get used to them!!

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To be honest, I totally forgot how awful and stupid this show became / actually is now.
Let's make it a mystery who's behind the terorrist attacks and let other people guess but give them a clue: it's one of the trainees / someone from the academy.
Now, halfway in season 1, let's throw in some more characters at random to make it more mysterious...and to give us some more possibilities to fill some episodes with some sex and relationship drama.

Can't believe this got a second season order. Aside reality TV, sadly not the worst currently airing show, so not that surprising. But considering the way this show is constructed, there are only two ways how season 2 could be: dragged out af, with S1s mystery still ongoing, or basically a completely new "mystery"/show. Either way, won't work in my eyes due to the way of the concept of this show. Better to drop it now, I guess, I am clearly not the targeted audience...

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Shout by Deleted

How am I suppose to watch these shows

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