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Quantico: Season 1

1x09 Guilty

So many potential suspects with so many potential motives!

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Shout by Deleted

I have no clue who is the guilty. I like the suspense this series generates in me.. Love it

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Okay we have reached that point, and now that gentlemen writers?

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Shout by ds1

Uhm. That was a pretty bad episode. This show has been on a decline ever since the start but I have the feeling they are simply gonna throw "twist" after twist at the audience to prolong the series as long as humanly possible. No matter if it will still be making sense at the end or not. At least they got to fill all the episodes they had to bring to the network table. It's enough already.
The overacting of Alex when she saw Ryan was terrible.

The only great thing in this episode was the guest appearance of Anne Heche, a great actress outshining everybody else. Loved how she playfully bit into Simons cheek after she said he'd never proof anything.
Simon centric episode but I honestly couldn't care less anymore on what side he is on. It's been a back and forth with him ever since episode 1 and at some point, I simply don't care about an additional point on either side.

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this show keeps getting more and more unreliable! And it's totally unacceptable, especially since in 9 episodes there wasn't even one single try to do better! and the acting is as terrible as usual! I just feel sorry for the guest Anne Heche... she's too good for this show: why did she take part in it? Needed money?

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