the second episode of the reboot takes a fair amount from part 2 of the series premiere of the original series. The companion helping with flight controls, expressing wonder at the view ..

also the baby born in that aforementioned episode grows up to be an astronaut apparently

All in all a big improvement over the dumpster fire of the first episode

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I don't like it, IMO its even worse than the first episode.
so many things didn't work for me, it feels so constructed.
I watched the original show as a kid and liked it, maybe i'm just too old for this.

This is is one of those shows where...
...the characters talk to each other over what they already know, just to explain it to the viewer

...someone says: "NO, ABSOLUTLY NOT! I WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT IT" and then, like two sentences later: "alright, i totally think the same now, because these two sentences of you conviced me and changed my entire character and view of the world"

... that lets you roll your eyes, because its so obvious whats gonna happen next, it couldn't be more clear

this is not how:
- computers work.
- iPhones work
- holograms work (why can it only be seen by him, if its a hologram?)
- fire works (very bad "special" effects)
- encryption works
- space flights work
- gravity works

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What a let down woke us every where I don't mind the Korean actor I actually wanted to see the version of the slow because of him but the gender and making the women the power house and the men weak non dominant is really over the top

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Wow. Better episode all around, very well balanced between the three storylines - the absolutely engaging emergency in space, the mysterious Janice story, and the mystery of what’s on the thumb drive - and what that means for the future. Love it.

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