Basically, this is "24" without the "all in ONE day" hook of Kiefer's breakout series, and John Weir is a more cerebral and less homicidal version of Jack Bauer, using probability and mental prowess in lieu of the extraction of fingernails and teeth. (or the threat thereof) I like what I'm seeing so far, in that it's not formulaic and predictable, so, let's see where the writers take us. The "Jo' Madi" character needs to dial it back a bit and use her "Columbo" skilz rather than being so "in your face" that she drives possibly helpful people away, and is so cocksure of her theories that she misses obvious clues.

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Looks fairly thrilling to me. I'm in.

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A bit confusing, so far. Who's pulling the strings? And I'm waiting for Sutherland's trademarked "Damnit".

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Some of this works, some of this (mainly the dialogue) doesn't. Some big twists I didn't see coming but I'm hoping there's a plan and it's not just car crash TV for the sake of it.

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Kiefer Sutherland indicted for murder, and he is being pursued by an evil organization, I buy

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The writing is not great when characters, apparently explaining each other things they're already supposed to know, are in reality explaining things to the viewing audience.

On the other hand, I like the last act of the pilot episode and how the themes of escape and evasion mix things up and set up future episodes. I'm still in.

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WT actual F?!? Really thought I knew where this was going.,, but totally back at square 1!
About time I found a TV series that wasn’t predictable. That said I’m only 1 episode in, things could change but I hope not!

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i don't get all the hype comments
the pilot was very old-style and very common in terms of themes, escapes etc
The ending was interesting but i don't have my hopes up, looks pretty standard as a show format.

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